Shorebirds P Hayman, J Marchant, T Prater A&C Black, 1986 | 1182* | 1986 |
Population declines and range contractions among lowland farmland birds in Britain RJ Fuller, RD Gregory, DW Gibbons, JH Marchant, JD Wilson, SR Baillie, ... Conservation Biology 9 (6), 1425-1441, 1995 | 941 | 1995 |
The migration atlas: movements of the birds of Britain and Ireland C Wernham (No Title), 2002 | 833 | 2002 |
Guide to the identification and ageing of Holarctic waders AJ Prater, JH Marchant, J Vuorinen British Trust for Ornithology, 1977 | 831 | 1977 |
Population trends in British breeding birds JH Marchant, R Hudson, P Whittington, S Carter British Trust for Ornithology, 1990 | 750 | 1990 |
Trends in the abundance of farmland birds: a quantitative comparison of smoothed Common Birds Census indices GM Siriwardena, SR Baillie, ST Buckland, RM Fewster, JH Marchant, ... Journal of Applied Ecology 35 (1), 24-43, 1998 | 647 | 1998 |
Using birds as indicators of biodiversity RD Gregory, D Noble, R Field, J Marchant, M Raven, DW Gibbons Ornis hungarica 12 (13), 11-24, 2003 | 415 | 2003 |
Breeding birds in the wider countryside: their conservation status 2000 SR Baillie, JH Marchant, HQP Crick, DG Noble, DE Balmer, C Barimore, ... BTO research report 470, 2007 | 337 | 2007 |
Common Bird Census: Instructions J Marchant British trust for Ornithology, 1983 | 138 | 1983 |
Population trends of jays, magpies, jackdaws and carrion crows in the United Kingdom RD Gregory, JH Marchant Bird Study 43 (1), 28-37, 1996 | 120 | 1996 |
Integrated population monitoring: detecting the effects of diverse changes JJD Greenwood, SR Baillie, HQP Crick, JH Marchant, WJ Peach Birds as monitors of environmental change, 267-342, 1993 | 93 | 1993 |
The effects of the 1978/79 winter on British bird populations RA Cawthorne, JH Marchant Bird Study 27 (3), 163-172, 1980 | 91 | 1980 |
BirdTrends 2014: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds SR Baillie, JH Marchant, DI Leech, D Massimino, MJP Sullivan, ... BTO, 2014 | 77 | 2014 |
BirdTrends 2018: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds ID Woodward, D Massimino, MJ Hammond, SJ Harris, DI Leech, ... British Trust for Ornithology See www bto org/birdtrends, Thetford, 2018 | 76 | 2018 |
Recent trends in breeding populations of some common trans‐Saharan migrant birds in northern Europe JH MARCHANT Ibis 134, 113-119, 1992 | 72 | 1992 |
GB Non-native Species Information Portal: documenting the arrival of non-native species in Britain HE Roy, CD Preston, CA Harrower, SL Rorke, D Noble, J Sewell, ... Biological invasions 16, 2495-2505, 2014 | 70 | 2014 |
Survival rates of hirundines in relation to British and African rainfall RA Robinson, DE Balmer, JH Marchant Ringing & Migration 24 (1), 1-6, 2008 | 68 | 2008 |
Habitat availability and use by Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur between 1965 and 1995: an analysis of Common Birds Census data SJ Browne, NJ Aebischer, G Yfantis, JH Marchant Bird Study 51 (1), 1-11, 2004 | 66 | 2004 |
The demography of the decline in the British willow warbler population WJ Peach, HQP Crick, JH Marchant Journal of Applied Statistics 22 (5-6), 905-922, 1995 | 66 | 1995 |
Non-Native Species in Great Britain: establishment, detection and reporting to inform effective decision making HE Roy, J Bacon, B Beckmann, CA Harrower, MO Hill, NJB Isaac, ... Report to Defra, NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 2012 | 57 | 2012 |