עקוב אחר
Korneliusz Pylak
Korneliusz Pylak
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין pollub.pl
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Changing innovation process models: A chance to break out of path dependency for less developed regions
K Pylak
Regional Studies, Regional Science 2 (1), 46-72, 2015
Implementation of triple bottom line to a business model canvas in reverse logistics
B Wit, K Pylak
Electronic Markets 30, 679-697, 2020
Historical roots of entrepreneurship in different regional contexts—the case of Poland
M Fritsch, K Pylak, M Wyrwich
Small Business Economics 59 (1), 397-412, 2022
Podręcznik ewaluacji projektów infrastrukturalnych
K Pylak
Czy Twój projekt przyniósł oczekiwane korzyści, 2009
Persistence of entrepreneurship in different historical contexts
M Fritsch, K Pylak, M Wyrwich
Jena Economic Research Papers, 2019
Intelligent Region Management= Intelligent Absorption of EU funds
C Pylak
Romanian journal of regional science 1 (1), 70-80, 2007
Successful economic diversification in less developed regions: Long-term trends in turbulent times
K Pylak, DF Kogler
Regional Studies 55 (3), 465-478, 2021
Tracing regional economic evolutions. KIS impact on growth
K Pylak, D Majerek
Procedia Economics and Finance 14, 515-524, 2014
The spatial impact of entrepreneurial zones: firm, city and inter-city evidence
N Stojčić, K Pylak, DJ Alibegović
Regional Studies 56 (12), 2164-2176, 2022
Transforming innovation models to change the development paths of less-developed regions
K Pylak, E Wojnicka-Sycz
Procedia engineering 161, 2179-2183, 2016
Impact of the service sector on the creation of companies in Poland
K Pylak, D Majerek
Procedia Economics and Finance 24, 523-532, 2015
Why should support for innovative processes differ regionally? Are less developed regions so different
K Pylak, D Majerek
8th International Days of Statistics and Economics. Conference Proceedings …, 2014
Transforming innovation models in European regions: Breaking out of path dependency and growing faster?
K Pylak, E Wojnicka-Sycz
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development 21 (2), 51-59, 2017
Identifying industries requiring spatial and sectoral relationships to develop: Do smart specializations always work?
K Pylak, D Majerek
Procedia Engineering 174, 1119-1127, 2017
Energia odnawialna w klastrze
E Bojar, M Bojar, K Pylak
Rynek Energii, 91-98, 2010
Collective or individual? What types of tourism reduce economic inequality in peripheral regions?
A Tucki, K Pylak
Sustainability 13 (9), 4898, 2021
Polityka innowacyjności a rozwój przedsiębiorstw w Polsce [w:] Procesy innowacyjne a rozwój regionu
K Sieradzka
Politechnika Lubelska, Lublin, 2014
Agglomeration economies: localisation or urbanisation? structural models for more and less developed European regions
K Pylak, D Majerek
International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research 81, 40, 2014
Potencjał małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w dziedzinie kreowania nowych produktów innowacyjnych–rozwiązania proekologiczne
J Kornecki, B Michaliszyn, J Krupanek, I Ratman-Kłosińska, M Banasiak, ...
PARP, Warszawa, 2008
The Competencies of Local Self-Government Authorities Supporting the Competitiveness and Innovativeness of Companies
K Pylak, P Czyz, I Gorgol
European Conference on Management, Leadership & Governance. Kidmore End …, 2014
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