עקוב אחר
Marilia Bonzanini Bossle
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
The drivers for adoption of eco-innovation
MB Bossle, MD de Barcellos, LM Vieira, L Sauvée
Journal of Cleaner production 113, 861-872, 2016
Key characteristics and success factors of supply chain initiatives tackling consumer-related food waste–A multiple case study
J Aschemann-Witzel, IE De Hooge, H Rohm, A Normann, MB Bossle, ...
Journal of cleaner production 155, 33-45, 2017
Bringing an entrepreneurial focus to sustainability education: A teaching framework based on content analysis
RR Hermann, MB Bossle
Journal of Cleaner Production 246, 119038, 2020
Why food companies go green? The determinant factors to adopt eco-innovations
MB Bossle, MD De Barcellos, LM Vieira
British Food Journal 118 (6), 1317-1333, 2016
The use of dynamic capabilities to boost innovation in a Brazilian Chemical Company
C Froehlich, CC Bitencourt, MB Bossle
Revista de Administração (São Paulo) 52 (4), 479-491, 2017
Social innovation as a process to overcome institutional voids: a multidimensional overview
MR Agostini, LM Vieira, MB Bossle
RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie 17 (6), 72-101, 2016
Supply chain collaboration for sustainability: a qualitative investigation of food supply chains in Brazil
NR do Canto, MB Bossle, LM Vieira, MD De Barcellos
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 32 (6), 1210-1232, 2021
Consumption of eco-innovative food: how values and attitudes drive consumers’ purchase of organics?
MD De Barcellos, M Bossle, MG Perin, L Vieira
Revista brasileira de marketing 14 (1), 2015
New organizational forms in emerging economies: bridging the gap between agribusiness management and international development
D Dentoni, J Bijman, MB Bossle, S Gondwe, P Isubikalu, C Ji, C Kella, ...
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 10 (1), 1-11, 2020
Ecologia industrial, simbiose industrial e ecoparque industrial: conhecer para aplicar
M Trevisan, LF Nascimento, LRRG Madruga, DM Neutzling, PS Figueiró, ...
Sistemas & Gestão 11 (2), 204-15, 2016
Eco-innovative food in Brazil: perceptions from producers and consumers
MB Bossle, MD de Barcellos, LM Vieira
Agricultural and Food Economics 3, 1-18, 2015
Integrating problem-based learning with international internships in business education
RR Hermann, M Amaral, MB Bossle
Journal of Teaching in International Business 32 (3-4), 202-235, 2021
Lenses on the post-oil economy: Integrating entrepreneurship into sustainability education through problem-based learning
RR Hermann, MB Bossle, M Amaral
Educational Action Research 30 (3), 480-506, 2022
Fair trade in Brazil: current status, constraints and opportunities
MB Bossle, DM Neutzling, D Wegner, CC Bitencourt
Organizações & Sociedade 24 (83), 655-673, 2017
Do consumo ao descarte de produtos e embalagens: estamos alienados?
LFM Nascimento, M Trevisan, PS Figueiró, MB Bossle
ReA UFSM: Revista de Administração da UFSM. Santa Maria, RS. Vol. 7, n. 1 …, 2014
As influências da institucionalização organizacional na operacionalização da ecologia industrial: possíveis facilidades e obstáculos
M Trevisan, LF Nascimento, LRRG Madruga, DM Neutzling, PS Figueiró, ...
Revista de Administração da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria 5, 683-697, 2012
Drivers for adoption of eco-innovation and enhancement of food companies’ environmental performance
MB Bossle
Sustainable supply chain management in a global context: the perspective of emerging economy suppliers
MMO Pereira, LC Hendry, ME Silva, MB Bossle, LM Antonialli
RAUSP Management Journal 58 (3), 197-218, 2023
Contradictory perceptions on corporate social responsibility practices in the Brazilian tobacco industry
MB Bossle, DM Neutzling, D Wegner, M Trevisan, M Knorst, ...
Latin American Journal of Management for Sustainable Development 2 (3-4 …, 2015
Comércio justo no Brasil e a comercialização de produtos do algodão ecológico
MB Bossle
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