Language lateralization in left-handed and ambidextrous people: fMRI data JP Szaflarski, JR Binder, ET Possing, KA McKiernan, BD Ward, ... Neurology 59 (2), 238-244, 2002 | 727 | 2002 |
Epidemiology of ischemic stroke in patients with diabetes: the greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Stroke Study BM Kissela, J Khoury, D Kleindorfer, D Woo, A Schneider, K Alwell, ... Diabetes care 28 (2), 355-359, 2005 | 599 | 2005 |
Genetic and environmental risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage: preliminary results of a population-based study D Woo, LR Sauerbeck, BM Kissela, JC Khoury, JP Szaflarski, J Gebel, ... Stroke 33 (5), 1190-1196, 2002 | 593 | 2002 |
Stroke in a biracial population: the excess burden of stroke among blacks B Kissela, A Schneider, D Kleindorfer, J Khoury, R Miller, K Alwell, D Woo, ... Stroke 35 (2), 426-431, 2004 | 524 | 2004 |
New-onset refractory status epilepticus: etiology, clinical features, and outcome N Gaspard, BP Foreman, V Alvarez, C Cabrera Kang, JC Probasco, ... Neurology 85 (18), 1604-1613, 2015 | 471 | 2015 |
fMRI study of language lateralization in children and adults JP Szaflarski, SK Holland, VJ Schmithorst, AW Byars Human brain mapping 27 (3), 202-212, 2006 | 471 | 2006 |
Multicenter pilot treatment trial for psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: a randomized clinical trial WC LaFrance, GL Baird, JJ Barry, AS Blum, AF Webb, GI Keitner, ... JAMA psychiatry 71 (9), 997-1005, 2014 | 460 | 2014 |
How UV light touches the brain and endocrine system through skin, and why AT Slominski, MA Zmijewski, PM Plonka, JP Szaflarski, R Paus Endocrinology 159 (5), 1992-2007, 2018 | 425 | 2018 |
Cerebral hypoxia-ischemia stimulates cytokine gene expression in perinatal rats J Szaflarski, D Burtrum, FS Silverstein Stroke 26 (6), 1093-1100, 1995 | 401 | 1995 |
Interactions between cannabidiol and commonly used antiepileptic drugs TE Gaston, EM Bebin, GR Cutter, Y Liu, JP Szaflarski, Uab Cbd Program Epilepsia 58 (9), 1586-1592, 2017 | 391 | 2017 |
Eligibility for recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in acute ischemic stroke: a population-based study D Kleindorfer, B Kissela, A Schneider, D Woo, J Khoury, R Miller, K Alwell, ... Stroke 35 (2), e27-e29, 2004 | 389 | 2004 |
Prospective, randomized, single-blinded comparative trial of intravenous levetiracetam versus phenytoin for seizure prophylaxis JP Szaflarski, KS Sangha, CJ Lindsell, LA Shutter Neurocritical care 12, 165-172, 2010 | 343 | 2010 |
Effect of untreated hypertension on hemorrhagic stroke D Woo, M Haverbusch, P Sekar, B Kissela, J Khoury, A Schneider, ... Stroke 35 (7), 1703-1708, 2004 | 326 | 2004 |
Ischemic stroke subtypes: a population-based study of incidence rates among blacks and whites AT Schneider, B Kissela, D Woo, D Kleindorfer, K Alwell, R Miller, ... Stroke 35 (7), 1552-1556, 2004 | 325 | 2004 |
Mapping anterior temporal lobe language areas with fMRI: a multicenter normative study JR Binder, WL Gross, JB Allendorfer, L Bonilha, J Chapin, JC Edwards, ... Neuroimage 54 (2), 1465-1475, 2011 | 322 | 2011 |
Incidence of seizures in the acute phase of stroke: a population‐based study JP Szaflarski, AY Rackley, DO Kleindorfer, J Khoury, D Woo, R Miller, ... Epilepsia 49 (6), 974-981, 2008 | 314 | 2008 |
Intravenous ketamine for the treatment of refractory status epilepticus: a retrospective multicenter study N Gaspard, B Foreman, LM Judd, JN Brenton, BR Nathan, BM McCoy, ... Epilepsia 54 (8), 1498-1503, 2013 | 304 | 2013 |
Modified constraint-induced therapy in chronic stroke: results of a single-blinded randomized controlled trial SJ Page, P Levine, A Leonard, JP Szaflarski, BM Kissela Physical therapy 88 (3), 333-340, 2008 | 271 | 2008 |
Quality of life in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures JP Szaflarski, C Hughes, M Szaflarski, DM Ficker, WT Cahill, M Li, ... Epilepsia 44 (2), 236-242, 2003 | 270 | 2003 |
Cortical plasticity following motor skill learning during mental practice in stroke SJ Page, JP Szaflarski, JC Eliassen, H Pan, SC Cramer Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 23 (4), 382-388, 2009 | 267 | 2009 |