High-temperature thermoelectric performance of heavily doped PbSe D Parker, DJ Singh
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (3), 035204, 2010
308 2010 Two-channel model for ultralow thermal conductivity of crystalline Tl3VSe4 S Mukhopadhyay, DS Parker, BC Sales, AA Puretzky, MA McGuire, ...
Science 360 (6396), 1455-1458, 2018
296 2018 Extended scenario for the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate in superconducting pnictides D Parker, OV Dolgov, MM Korshunov, AA Golubov, II Mazin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (13), 134524, 2008
245 2008 Connecting Thermoelectric Performance and Topological-Insulator Behavior: and from First Principles H Shi, D Parker, MH Du, DJ Singh
Physical Review Applied 3 (1), 014004, 2015
244 2015 High three-dimensional thermoelectric performance from low-dimensional bands D Parker, X Chen, DJ Singh
Physical review letters 110 (14), 146601, 2013
176 2013 Importance of non-parabolic band effects in the thermoelectric properties of semiconductors X Chen, D Parker, DJ Singh
Scientific reports 3 (1), 3168, 2013
175 2013 Thermoelectric properties of AgGaTe and related chalcopyrite structure materials D Parker, DJ Singh
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (12), 125209, 2012
156 2012 Magnetic phase transition in single crystals of the chiral helimagnet Cr NbS NJ Ghimire, MA McGuire, DS Parker, B Sipos, S Tang, JQ Yan, BC Sales, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (10), 104403, 2013
148 2013 A-type antiferromagnetic order in and single crystals JQ Yan, YH Liu, DS Parker, Y Wu, AA Aczel, M Matsuda, MA McGuire, ...
Physical Review Materials 4 (5), 054202, 2020
125 2020 Study of the thermoelectric properties of lead selenide doped with boron, gallium, indium, or thallium Q Zhang, F Cao, K Lukas, W Liu, K Esfarjani, C Opeil, D Broido, D Parker, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (42), 17731-17738, 2012
124 2012 Pressure Dependence of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State in CF Miclea, M Nicklas, D Parker, K Maki, JL Sarrao, JD Thompson, ...
Physical review letters 96 (11), 117001, 2006
124 2006 Benefits of Carrier-Pocket Anisotropy to Thermoelectric Performance: The Case of -Type DS Parker, AF May, DJ Singh
Physical Review Applied 3 (6), 064003, 2015
123 2015 Potential Thermoelectric Performance from Optimization of Hole-Doped D Parker, DJ Singh
Physical Review X 1 (2), 021005, 2011
117 2011 Seebeck and figure of merit enhancement in nanostructured antimony telluride by antisite defect suppression through sulfur doping RJ Mehta, Y Zhang, H Zhu, DS Parker, M Belley, DJ Singh, R Ramprasad, ...
Nano letters 12 (9), 4523-4529, 2012
115 2012 Curriculum-based measures of beginning writing: Technical features of the slope KL McMaster, X Du, S Yeo, SL Deno, D Parker, T Ellis
Exceptional Children 77 (2), 185-206, 2011
113 2011 Manufacturing processes for permanent magnets: Part I—sintering and casting J Cui, J Ormerod, D Parker, R Ott, A Palasyuk, S Mccall, MP Paranthaman, ...
Jom 74 (4), 1279-1295, 2022
107 2022 Interband superconductivity: contrasts between Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer and Eliashberg theories OV Dolgov, II Mazin, D Parker, AA Golubov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (6), 060502, 2009
107 2009 External ballistics of Pleistocene hand-thrown spears: experimental performance data and implications for human evolution A Milks, D Parker, M Pope
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 820, 2019
94 2019 Ferromagnetism of Fe3 Sn and Alloys BC Sales, B Saparov, MA McGuire, DJ Singh, DS Parker
Scientific reports 4 (1), 7024, 2014
83 2014 First principles investigations of the thermoelectric behavior of tin sulfide D Parker, DJ Singh
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (8), 2010
83 2010