עקוב אחר
Shirley Beul-Leusmann
Shirley Beul-Leusmann
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין comm.rwth-aachen.de
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Public perception and acceptance of electric vehicles: Exploring users’ perceived benefits and drawbacks
M Ziefle, S Beul-Leusmann, K Kasugai, M Schwalm
Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design for Everyday …, 2014
Usability evaluation of mobile passenger information systems
S Beul-Leusmann, C Samsel, M Wiederhold, KH Krempels, EM Jakobs, ...
Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theories, Methods, and Tools for …, 2014
A multi-disciplinary approach to ambient assisted living
M Ziefle, C Röcker, W Wilkowska, K Kasugai, L Klack, C Möllering, S Beul
E-Health, Assistive technologies and applications for assisted living …, 2011
User-centered design of passenger information systems
S Beul-Leusmann, EM Jakobs, M Ziefle
IEEE International Professonal Communication 2013 Conference, 1-8, 2013
Laypeople’s perspectives on electromobility: a focus group study
BS Zaunbrecher, S Beul-Leusmann, M Ziefle
Internet of Things. IoT Infrastructures: First International Summit, IoT360 …, 2015
What happens after calling the ambulance: Information, communication, and acceptance issues in a telemedical workflow
S Beul, S Mennicken, M Ziefle, EM Jakobs
2010 International Conference on Information Society, 98-103, 2010
Cascading information for public transport assistance
C Samsel, S Beul-Leusmann, M Wiederhold, KH Krempels, M Ziefle, ...
International Conference On Web Information Systems And Technologies 2, 411-422, 2014
Passenger information systems in media networks: Patterns, preferences, prototypes
S Wirtz, EM Jakobs, S Beul
2010 IEEE International Professional Comunication Conference, 131-137, 2010
Towards adaptive interfaces for supporting elderly users in technology-enhanced home environments
C Röcker, W Wilkowska, M Ziefle, K Kasugai, L Klack, C Möllering, S Beul
Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the International …, 2010
Users' preferences for telemedical consultations: Comparing users' attitude towards different media in technology-mediated doctor-patient-communication
S Beul, M Ziefle, EM Jakobs
2011 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2011
Between Innovation and Daily Practice in the Development of AAL Systems: Learning from the experience with today’s systems
S Beul, L Klack, K Kasugai, C Moellering, C Roecker, W Wilkowska, ...
Electronic Healthcare: Third International Conference, eHealth 2010 …, 2012
The impact of usability in emergency telemedical services
S Beul, S Mennicken, M Ziefle, EM Jakobs, D Wielpütz, M Skorning, ...
Advances in human factors and ergonomics in healthcare, 765-775, 2010
It’s all about the medium: Identifying patients’ medial preferences for telemedical consultations
S Beul, M Ziefle, EM Jakobs
Information Quality in e-Health: 7th Conference of the Workgroup Human …, 2011
Communication and information barriers in telemedical applications in emergency situations-emergency doctors’ point of view
M Ziefle, S Mennicken, S Beul, EM Jakobs
International Journal for Digital Society 2 (1), 387-396, 2011
Unterwegs im öv. mobile fahrgastinformationssysteme in der usability evaluation
S Beul-Leusmann, A Habermann, M Ziefle, EM Jakobs
Mensch und Computer 2016-Tagungsband, 10.18420/muc2016-mci-0052, 2016
Cascading information for ubiqitous mobility assistance
C Samsel, S Beul-Leusmann, M Wiederhold, KH Krempels, M Ziefle, ...
Web Information Systems and Technologies: 10th International Conference …, 2015
Integrating the “E” in Public Transport: Information and Communication Needs for Electromobility
M Ziefle, S Beul-Leusmann, BS Zaunbrecher, K Kasugai
Internet of Things. IoT Infrastructures: First International Summit, IoT360 …, 2015
Alt Schlägt Jung–Bewegungsförderung für Ältere durch Serious Games
P Brauner, C Rausch, S Beul, M Ziefle
Exploring Virtuality: Virtualität im interdisziplinären Diskurs, 215-239, 2014
„Neue Wege medizinischer Versorgung. Akzeptanz und Usability telemedizinischer Konsultationssysteme “
S Beul
Sprache und Kommunikation im technischen Zeitalter: wieviel Technik (v …, 2013
How to bring your doctor home. User-centered design of trustworthy telemedical consultation services
S Beul, M Ziefle, EM Jakobs
Advances in Human Aspects of Healthcare, 322, 2012
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מאמרים 1–20