Large sulfur isotope fractionation does not require disproportionation MS Sim, T Bosak, S Ono Science 333 (6038), 74-77, 2011 | 600 | 2011 |
The meaning of stromatolites T Bosak, AH Knoll, AP Petroff Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 41 (1), 21-44, 2013 | 297 | 2013 |
Effect of electron donors on the fractionation of sulfur isotopes by a marine Desulfovibrio sp. MS Sim, S Ono, K Donovan, SP Templer, T Bosak Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (15), 4244-4259, 2011 | 235 | 2011 |
Morphological record of oxygenic photosynthesis in conical stromatolites T Bosak, B Liang, MS Sim, AP Petroff Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (27), 10939-10943, 2009 | 187 | 2009 |
Microbial nucleation of calcium carbonate in the Precambrian T Bosak, DK Newman Geology 31 (7), 577-580, 2003 | 178 | 2003 |
Perseverance rover reveals an ancient delta-lake system and flood deposits at Jezero crater, Mars N Mangold, S Gupta, O Gasnault, G Dromart, JD Tarnas, SF Sholes, ... Science 374 (6568), 711-717, 2021 | 153 | 2021 |
Formation and stability of oxygen‐rich bubbles that shape photosynthetic mats T Bosak, JWM Bush, MR Flynn, B Liang, S Ono, AP Petroff, MS Sim Geobiology 8 (1), 45-55, 2010 | 144 | 2010 |
Microbial kinetic controls on calcite morphology in supersaturated solutions T Bosak, DK Newman Journal of Sedimentary Research 75 (2), 190-199, 2005 | 144 | 2005 |
A field guide to finding fossils on Mars S McMahon, T Bosak, JP Grotzinger, RE Milliken, RE Summons, M Daye, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123 (5), 1012-1040, 2018 | 131 | 2018 |
Biophysical basis for the geometry of conical stromatolites AP Petroff, MS Sim, A Maslov, M Krupenin, DH Rothman, T Bosak Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (22), 9956-9961, 2010 | 121 | 2010 |
Aqueously altered igneous rocks sampled on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars KA Farley, KM Stack, DL Shuster, BHN Horgan, JA Hurowitz, JD Tarnas, ... Science 377 (6614), eabo2196, 2022 | 116 | 2022 |
Light-driven anaerobic microbial oxidation of manganese M Daye, V Klepac-Ceraj, M Pajusalu, S Rowland, A Farrell-Sherman, ... Nature 576 (7786), 311-314, 2019 | 115 | 2019 |
A polycyclic terpenoid that alleviates oxidative stress T Bosak, RM Losick, A Pearson Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (18), 6725-6729, 2008 | 113 | 2008 |
A likely role for anoxygenic photosynthetic microbes in the formation of ancient stromatolites T Bosak, SE Greene, DK Newman Geobiology 5 (2), 119-126, 2007 | 105 | 2007 |
The Archean origin of oxygenic photosynthesis and extant cyanobacterial lineages GP Fournier, KR Moore, LT Rangel, JG Payette, L Momper, T Bosak Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1959), 20210675, 2021 | 103 | 2021 |
An olivine cumulate outcrop on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars Y Liu, MM Tice, ME Schmidt, AH Treiman, TV Kizovski, JA Hurowitz, ... Science 377 (6614), 1513-1519, 2022 | 96 | 2022 |
Agglutinated tests in post-Sturtian cap carbonates of Namibia and Mongolia T Bosak, DJG Lahr, SB Pruss, FA Macdonald, L Dalton, E Matys Earth and Planetary Science Letters 308 (1-2), 29-40, 2011 | 95 | 2011 |
Aqueous alteration processes in Jezero crater, Mars—Implications for organic geochemistry EL Scheller, J Razzell Hollis, EL Cardarelli, A Steele, LW Beegle, ... Science 378 (6624), 1105-1110, 2022 | 90 | 2022 |
Compositionally and density stratified igneous terrain in Jezero crater, Mars RC Wiens, A Udry, O Beyssac, C Quantin-Nataf, N Mangold, A Cousin, ... Science advances 8 (34), eabo3399, 2022 | 90 | 2022 |
Possible early foraminiferans in post-Sturtian (716− 635 Ma) cap carbonates T Bosak, DJG Lahr, SB Pruss, FA Macdonald, AJ Gooday, L Dalton, ... Geology 40 (1), 67-70, 2012 | 89 | 2012 |