Correlation between match performance and field tests in professional soccer players PE Redkva, MR Paes, R Fernandez, SG da-Silva Journal of human kinetics 62, 213, 2018 | 83 | 2018 |
Anaerobic contribution during maximal anaerobic running test: correlation with maximal accumulated oxygen deficit A Zagatto, P Redkva, J Loures, CK Filho, V Franco, E Kaminagakura, ... Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 21 (6), e222-e230, 2011 | 78 | 2011 |
The use of session RPE to monitor the intensity of weight training in older women: Acute responses to eccentric, concentric, and dynamic exercises SS Ferreira, K Krinski, RC Alves, ML Benites, PE Redkva, HM Elsangedy, ... Journal of aging research 2014 (1), 749317, 2014 | 42 | 2014 |
Beta-alanine supplementation improves throwing velocities in repeated sprint ability and 200-m swimming performance in young water polo players GM Claus, PE Redkva, GMP Brisola, ES Malta, RAB de Poli, WE Miyagi, ... Pediatric exercise science 29 (2), 203-212, 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
Effect of mat vs. apparatus pilates training on the functional capacity of elderly women D Mueller, PE Redkva, EF de Borba, SC Barbosa, MP Krause, ... Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 25, 80-86, 2021 | 34 | 2021 |
The relationship between coach and player training load perceptions in professional soccer PE Redkva, S Gregorio da Silva, MR Paes, JW Dos-Santos Perceptual and Motor Skills 124 (1), 264-276, 2017 | 34 | 2017 |
Can the running-based anaerobic sprint test be used to predict anaerobic capacity? EI Kaminagakura, AM Zagatto, PE Redkva, EB Gomes, JP Loures, ... Journal of Exercise Physiology Online 15 (2), 2012 | 34 | 2012 |
Six weeks of β-alanine supplementation did not enhance repeated-sprint ability or technical performances in young elite basketball players F Milioni, PE Redkva, FA Barbieri, AM Zagatto Nutrition and health 23 (2), 111-118, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
Anaerobic capacity estimated by the sum of both oxygen equivalents from the glycolytic and phosphagen pathways is dependent on exercise mode: Running versus cycling PE Redkva, WE Miyagi, F Milioni, AM Zagatto PloS one 13 (9), e0203796, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Estilo de vida e fatores associados em estudantes universitários de educação física LM Vargas, PE Redkva, JRH Cantorani, GL Gutierrez Revista de atenção à saúde 13 (44), 17-26, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
Fatores associados ao nível de atividade física entre estudantes universitários LM Vargas, JRH Cantorani, TM Vargas, GL Gutierrez Revista Brasileira de Qualidade de Vida 7 (3), 2015 | 16 | 2015 |
A dimensão da deficiência eo olhar a respeito das pessoas com deficiência a partir dos recenseamentos no Brasil JRH Cantorani, LM Vargas, PE Redkva, LA Pilatti, GL Gutierrez Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial 21 (1), 159-176, 2015 | 15 | 2015 |
High intensity repeated sprints impair postural control, but with no effects on free throwing accuracy, in under-19 basketball players FA Barbieri, ST Rodrigues, PF Polastri, RA Barbieri, PHA de Paula, ... Human movement science 54, 191-196, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
3-min all-out effort on cycle ergometer is valid to estimate the anaerobic capacity by measurement of blood lactate and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption AM Zagatto, PE Redkva, RAB de Poli, JAM González, JZ Brandani, ... European Journal of Sport Science 19 (5), 645-652, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
V., Kaminagakura, E., & Papoti, M.(2011). Anaerobic contribution during maximal anaerobic running test: Correlation with maximal accumulated oxygen deficit A Zagatto, P Redkva, J Loures Filho, F CK Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 21 (6), 1600-0838.2010, 0 | 13 | |
Effects of 4 weeks of β-alanine supplementation on aerobic fitness in water polo players GMP Brisola, PE Redkva, DM Pessôa Filho, M Papoti, AM Zagatto PloS one 13 (10), e0205129, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Anaerobic running capacity determined from the critical velocity model is not significantly associated with maximal accumulated oxygen deficit in army runners AM Zagatto, CA Kalva-Filho, JP Loures, EI Kaminagakura, PE Redkva, ... Science & Sports 28 (6), e159-e165, 2013 | 11 | 2013 |
Are sedentary women able to self-select a walking intensity that corresponds to maximal fat oxidation (Fatmax)? SS Ferreira, JL Pereira, RC Alves, PE Redkva, HM Elsangedy, K Krinski, ... Journal of Exercise Physiology Online 16 (2), 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
Correction: Anaerobic capacity estimated by the sum of both oxygen equivalents from the glycolytic and phosphagen pathways is dependent on exercise mode: Running versus cycling PE Redkva, WE Miyagi, F Milioni, AM Zagatto Plos one 13 (12), e0209884, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Prediction of aerobic performance in distance from 1200 to 2800 m for laboratory testing with military runners PE Redkva, AM Zagatto, EB Gomes, CA Kalva-Filho, JP Loures, ... J Exerc Physiol 15, 107-14, 2012 | 6 | 2012 |