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On the band electronic structure of X [M (dmit) 2] 2 (X= TTF,(CH3) 4N; M= Ni, Pd) molecular conductors and superconductors E Canadell, IEI Rachidi, S Ravy, JP Pouget, L Brossard, JP Legros Journal de Physique 50 (19), 2967-2981, 1989 | 169 | 1989 |
Sequential activation of molecular breathing and bending during spin-crossover photoswitching revealed by femtosecond optical and X-ray absorption spectroscopy M Cammarata, R Bertoni, M Lorenc, H Cailleau, S Di Matteo, C Mauriac, ... Physical review letters 113 (22), 227402, 2014 | 158 | 2014 |
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Concerning the band structure of D (M (dmit) 2) 2 (D= TTF, Cs, NMe4); M= Ni, Pd) molecular conductors and superconductors: Role of the M (dmit) 2 Homo and Lumo E Canadell, S Ravy, JP Pouget, L Brossard Solid state communications 75 (8), 633-638, 1990 | 118 | 1990 |
Competing phases in thin films under compressive epitaxial strain B Dupé, IC Infante, G Geneste, PE Janolin, M Bibes, A Barthélémy, ... Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (14), 144128, 2010 | 116 | 2010 |
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Aperiodic spin state ordering of bistable molecules and its photoinduced erasing E Collet, H Watanabe, N Bréfuel, L Palatinus, L Roudaut, L Toupet, ... Physical Review Letters 109 (25), 257206, 2012 | 64 | 2012 |
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Charge density wave dislocation as revealed by coherent x-ray diffraction D Le Bolloc’h, S Ravy, J Dumas, J Marcus, F Livet, C Detlefs, F Yakhou, ... Physical review letters 95 (11), 116401, 2005 | 61 | 2005 |
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