A context-aware middleware for real-time semantic enrichment of distributed multimedia metadata N Konstantinou, E Solidakis, A Zafeiropoulos, P Stathopoulos, N Mitrou Multimedia Tools and Applications 46, 425-461, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
Exploring agent-based wireless business models and decision support applications in an airport environment Y Wang, L Cuthbert, FJ Mullany, P Stathopoulos, V Tountopoulos, ... Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 1-8, 2004 | 15 | 2004 |
Priamos: a middleware architecture for real-time semantic annotation of context features N Konstantinou, E Solidakis, S Zoi, A Zafeiropoulos, P Stathopoulos, ... 3rd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 07), 96-103, 2007 | 13 | 2007 |
Enforcing effective rates for packet-level QoS control in IP networks: theory and validation based on real traffic data J Soldatos, E Vayias, P Stathopoulos, N Mitrou Telecommunication Systems 27, 9-31, 2004 | 12 | 2004 |
Extending an open MPEG-4 video streaming platform to exploit a differentiated services network S Zoi, D Loukatos, L Sarakis, P Stathopoulos, N Mitrou High-Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications: 6th IEEE International …, 2003 | 9 | 2003 |
Ensuring the quality and interoperability of open cultural digital content: System architecture and scalability H Georgiadis, V Banos, IO Stathopoulou, P Stathopoulos, N Houssos, ... IISA 2014, The 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence …, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Cowden syndrome: mucocutaneous lesions as precursors of internal malignancy P Stathopoulos, A Raymond, M Esson Oral and maxillofacial surgery 18, 229-235, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Close resection margins do not influence local recurrence in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma: A prospective cohort study P Stathopoulos, WP Smith Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 76 (4), 873-876, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
The case study of an F/OSS virtualization platform deployment and quantitative results P Stathopoulos, A Soumplis, N Houssos IFIP International Conference on Open Source Systems, 367-367, 2009 | 6 | 2009 |
A lightweight approach for providing Location Based Content Retrieval A Zafeiropoulos, E Solidakis, S Zoi, N Konstantinou, P Papageorgiou, ... 2007 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2007 | 6 | 2007 |
Exploiting Bluetooth for deploying indoor LBS over a localisation infrastructure independent architecture A Zafeiropoulos, I Papaioannou, E Solidakis, N Konstantinou, ... International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 2 (2-3 …, 2010 | 5 | 2010 |
E-museum-a content management system for providing museum visitors with personalized audiovisual information P Stathopoulos, S Zoi, N Konstantinou, E Solidakis, C Basios, ... Third International Conference of Museology & Annual Conference of AVICOM …, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
An approach to the quantification of delay variation effects on live audio streams D Loukatos, V Zoi, P Stathopoulos, A Roustas, N Mitrou 10th International Conference on Telecommunications, 2003. ICT 2003. 1, 536-542, 2003 | 5 | 2003 |
Enhancing OJS journals with advanced online reading and viewing capabilities R Stathopoulou, G Stavrou, A Soumplis | 4 | 2011 |
Location based Guidance Services in a Museum Environment: Deployment Issues and a Proposed Architectural Approach. A Zafeiropoulos, E Solidakis, S Zoi, N Konstantinou, P Stathopoulos, ... WINSYS 7, 217-224, 2007 | 4 | 2007 |
An open cultural digital content infrastructure IO Stathopoulou, P Stathopoulos, H Georgiadis, N Houssos, V Banos, ... IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 285-288, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
Προδιαγραφές και χαρακτηριστικά διαλειτουργικότητας για ανοικτό ψηφιακό περιεχόμενο P Stathopoulos, N Houssos, G Stavrou, H Georgiadis | 3 | 2012 |
A Network-Driven Architecture for the Multicast Delivery of Layered Video and A Comparative Study P Stathopoulos, V Zoi, D Loukatos, L Sarakis, N Mitrou Internet Technologies, Applications and Societal Impact: IFIP TC6/WG6. 4 …, 2002 | 3 | 2002 |
A rate adaptation scheme for media streaming over heterogeneous networks P Stathopoulos, P Papageorgiou, D Kouis, S Zoi, N Mitrou International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 2 (2-3), 173-191, 2007 | 2 | 2007 |
Provision of Active Services through Next Generation Networking Middleware. G Kormentzas, C Skianis, D Kouis, P Stathopoulos GLOBECOM, 2006 | 2 | 2006 |