Application of remote sensing video systems to coastline management problems A Kroon, MA Davidson, SGJ Aarninkhof, R Archetti, C Armaroli, ... Coastal Engineering 54 (6-7), 493-505, 2007 | 177 | 2007 |
Critical storm thresholds for significant morphological changes and damage along the Emilia-Romagna coastline, Italy C Armaroli, P Ciavola, L Perini, L Calabrese, S Lorito, A Valentini, ... Geomorphology 143, 34-51, 2012 | 145 | 2012 |
Development of a coastal vulnerability index using analytical hierarchy process and application to Ravenna province (Italy) I Sekovski, L Del Río, C Armaroli Ocean & Coastal Management 183, 104982, 2020 | 106 | 2020 |
Beach morphodynamics and types of foredune erosion generated by storms along the Emilia-Romagna coastline, Italy C Armaroli, E Grottoli, MD Harley, P Ciavola Geomorphology 199, 22-35, 2013 | 104 | 2013 |
Can an early-warning system help minimize the impacts of coastal storms? A case study of the 2012 Halloween storm, northern Italy MD Harley, A Valentini, C Armaroli, L Perini, L Calabrese, P Ciavola Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (1), 209-222, 2016 | 102 | 2016 |
Storm impacts along European coastlines. Part 2: lessons learned from the MICORE project P Ciavola, O Ferreira, P Haerens, M Van Koningsveld, C Armaroli Environmental Science & Policy 14 (7), 924-933, 2011 | 99 | 2011 |
Storm impacts along European coastlines. Part 1: The joint effort of the MICORE and ConHaz Projects P Ciavola, O Ferreira, P Haerens, M Van Koningsveld, C Armaroli, ... Environmental Science & Policy 14 (7), 912-923, 2011 | 83 | 2011 |
Historical analysis of storm events: Case studies in France, England, Portugal and Italy E Garnier, P Ciavola, T Spencer, O Ferreira, C Armaroli, A Mcivor Coastal Engineering 134, 10-23, 2018 | 80 | 2018 |
Evaluation of XBeach predictions for a real-time warning system in Emilia-Romagna, Northern Italy M Harley, C Armaroli, P Ciavola Journal of Coastal Research, 1861-1865, 2011 | 77 | 2011 |
Evaluation of coastal vulnerability to flooding: comparison of two different methodologies adopted by the Emilia-Romagna region (Italy) L Perini, L Calabrese, G Salerno, P Ciavola, C Armaroli Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (1), 181-194, 2016 | 75 | 2016 |
Dynamics of a nearshore bar system in the northern Adriatic: A video-based morphological classification C Armaroli, P Ciavola Geomorphology 126 (1-2), 201-216, 2011 | 75 | 2011 |
Impact of storms along the coastline of Emilia-Romagna: the morphological signature on the Ravenna coastline (Italy) P Ciavola, C Armaroli, J Chiggiato, A Valentini, M Deserti, L Perini, ... Journal of Coastal Research, 540-544, 2007 | 70 | 2007 |
MICORE: dune erosion and overwash model validation with data from nine European field sites A Van Dongeren, A Bolle, MI Vousdoukas, T Plomaritis, P Eftimova, ... Proceedings Of Coastal Dynamics 2009: Impacts of Human Activities on Dynamic …, 2009 | 65 | 2009 |
Shoreline rotation and response to nourishment of a gravel embayed beach using a low-cost video monitoring technique: San Michele-Sassi Neri, Central Italy MD Harley, U Andriolo, C Armaroli, P Ciavola Journal of Coastal Conservation 18, 551-565, 2014 | 64 | 2014 |
Validation of the coastal storm risk assessment framework along the Emilia-Romagna coast C Armaroli, E Duo Coastal Engineering 134, 159-167, 2018 | 59 | 2018 |
Coupling scenarios of urban growth and flood hazards along the Emilia-Romagna coast (Italy) I Sekovski, C Armaroli, L Calabrese, F Mancini, F Stecchi, L Perini Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 15 (10), 2331-2346, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
Opportunities and constraints for managed retreat on exposed sandy shores: Examples from Emilia-Romagna, Italy KF Nordstrom, C Armaroli, NL Jackson, P Ciavola Ocean & Coastal Management 104, 11-21, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
Using high-spatial resolution UAV-derived data to evaluate vegetation and geomorphological changes on a dune field involved in a restoration endeavour S Fabbri, E Grottoli, C Armaroli, P Ciavola remote sensing 13 (10), 1987, 2021 | 46 | 2021 |
Geomorphic coastal vulnerability to storms in microtidal fetch-limited environments: application to NW Mediterranean & N Adriatic Seas JA Jimenez, P Ciavola, Y Balouin, C Armaroli, E Bosom, M Gervais Journal of Coastal Research 56, 1641-1645, 2009 | 46 | 2009 |
Experiences and results from interdisciplinary collaboration: Utilizing qualitative information to formulate disaster risk reduction measures for coastal regions G Martinez, C Armaroli, S Costas, MD Harley, M Paolisso Coastal Engineering 134, 62-72, 2018 | 40 | 2018 |