Lead Toxicity: Health Hazards, Influence on Food Chain, and Sustainable Remediation Approaches A Kumar, A Kumar, CP M.M.S., AK Chaturvedi, AA Shabnam, ... Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17, 1-36, 2020 | 798 | 2020 |
Mechanistic understanding and holistic approach of phytoremediation: A review on application and future prospects KK Yadav, N Gupta, A Kumar, LM Reece, N Singh, S Rezania, SA Khan Ecological Engineering 120, 274-298, 2018 | 465 | 2018 |
Trace elements in soil-vegetables interface: translocation, bioaccumulation, toxicity and amelioration-a review N Gupta, KK Yadav, V Kumar, S Kumar, RP Chadd, A Kumar Science of the Total Environment 651, 2927-2942, 2019 | 432 | 2019 |
Bioaccumulation and potential sources of heavy metal contamination in fish species in River Ganga basin: Possible human health risks evaluation PK Maurya, DS Malik, KK Yadav, A Kumar, S Kumar, H Kamyab Toxicology reports 6, 472-481, 2019 | 345 | 2019 |
Methane production, oxidation and mitigation: A mechanistic understanding and comprehensive evaluation of influencing factors SK Malyan, A Bhatia, A Kumar, DK Gupta, R Singh, SS Kumar, R Tomer, ... Science of total Environment, 2016 | 329 | 2016 |
A review of emerging adsorbents and current demand for defluoridation of water: Bright future in water sustainability K Yadav, N Gupta, V Kumar, SA Khan, A Kumar' Environment International 111, 80-108, 2018 | 245 | 2018 |
Bio-remediation approaches for alleviation of cadmium contamination in natural resources A Kumar, G Subrahmanyam, R Mondal, CPM M.S., AA Shabnam, ... Chemosphere, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.20, 2021 | 207 | 2021 |
Mitigation of greenhouse gas emission from rice–wheat system of the Indo-Gangetic plains: Through tillage, irrigation and fertilizer management DK Gupta, A Bhatia, A Kumar, TK Das, N Jain, R Tomer, SK Malyan, ... Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 230, 1-9, 2016 | 206 | 2016 |
Drought-tolerant phosphorus-solubilizing microbes: biodiversity and biotechnological applications for alleviation of drought stress in plants D Kour, KL Rana, AN Yadav, N Yadav, V Kumar, A Kumar, RZ Sayyed, ... Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for sustainable stress management, 255-308, 2019 | 179 | 2019 |
Microalgae based biofertilizers: A biorefinery approach to phycoremediate wastewater and harvest biodiesel and manure SA Khan, GK Sharma, FA Malla, A Kumar, N Gupta Journal of Cleaner production 211, 1412-1419, 2019 | 144 | 2019 |
Nickel in terrestrial biota: Comprehensive review on contamination, toxicity, tolerance and its remediation approaches A Kumar, DK Jigyasu, A Kumar, G Subrahmanyam, R Mondal, ... Chemosphere, 2021 | 136 | 2021 |
Fungal Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Resources: Current Scenario and Future Prospects A Kumar, AK Chaturvedi, K Yadav, KP Arunkumar, SK Malyan, P Raja, ... Recent Advancement in White Biotechnology Through Fungi 3, 437-461, 2019 | 125 | 2019 |
Myco-remediation: A mechanistic understanding of contaminants alleviation from natural environment and future prospect A Kumar, AN Yadav, R Mondal, D Kour, G Subrahmanyam, AA Shabnam, ... Chemosphere, 2021 | 120 | 2021 |
Global temperature change potential of nitrogen use in agriculture: A 50-year assessment RK Fagodiya, H Pathak, A Kumar, A Bhatia, N Jain Scientific Reports 7, 44928, 2017 | 119 | 2017 |
Biochar for Environmental Sustainability in the Energy-Water-Agroecosystem Nexus LS Sandeep K. Malyan, Smita S. Kumar, Ram Kishor Fagodiya, Pooja Ghosh, Amit ... Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149 (10.1016/j.rser.2021.111379), 2021 | 118 | 2021 |
Heavy Metal Contamination of Soil, Irrigation Water and Vegetables in Peri-Urban Agricultural Areas and Markets of Delhi A Bhatia, SD Singh, A Kumar WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH 87 (11), 2027-2034, 2015 | 99 | 2015 |
Estimation of Risk to the Eco-Environment and Human Health of Using Heavy Metals in the Uttarakhand Himalaya, India A Kumar, M Cabral-Pinto, A Kumar, M Kumar, PA Dinis Applied Science 10 (doi:10.3390/app10207078), 1-18, 2020 | 94 | 2020 |
Diversity, Plant Growth Promoting Attributes, and Agricultural Applications of Rhizospheric Microbes G Subrahmanyam, A Kumar, SP Sandilya, M Chutia, AN Yadav Plant Microbiomes for Sustainable Agriculture, 1-52, 2020 | 92 | 2020 |
Climate change and water availability in Indian agriculture: Impacts and adaptation H PATHAK, P PRAMANIK, M KHANNA, A KUMAR Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84 (6), 671-679, 2014 | 76 | 2014 |
Methane production and estimation from livestock husbandry: A mechanistic understanding and emerging mitigation options S Kumari, RK Fagodiya, M Hiloidhari, RP Dahiya, A Kumar Science of Total Environment 709, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2, 2020 | 75 | 2020 |