Catalytic gasification of algae in supercritical water for biofuel production and carbon capture S Stucki, F Vogel, C Ludwig, AG Haiduc, M Brandenberger Energy & Environmental Science 2 (5), 535-541, 2009 | 269 | 2009 |
SunCHem: an integrated process for the hydrothermal production of methane from microalgae and CO2 mitigation AG Haiduc, M Brandenberger, S Suquet, F Vogel, R Bernier-Latmani, ... Journal of Applied Phycology 21, 529-541, 2009 | 171 | 2009 |
Producing synthetic natural gas from microalgae via supercritical water gasification: A techno-economic sensitivity analysis M Brandenberger, J Matzenberger, F Vogel, C Ludwig biomass and bioenergy 51, 26-34, 2013 | 71 | 2013 |
Continuous catalytic hydrothermal gasification of algal biomass and case study on toxicity of aluminum as a step toward effluents recycling M Bagnoud-Velásquez, M Brandenberger, F Vogel, C Ludwig Catalysis Today 223, 35-43, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |
Process Development for Catalytic Supercritical Water Gasification of Algae Feedstocks M Brandenberger EPFL, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
Hydrothermal methane from biomass GA Haiduc, M Brandenberger, S Suquet, C Ludwig, F Vogel, ... R’07 World Congress, 2007 | 3 | 2007 |
Catalyst Dissolution and Biomass Gasification Studies under Hydrothermal Conditions M Brandenberger | 1 | 2007 |
Methangewinnung durch heterogen katalysierte, hydrothermale Vergasung nasser Biomasse M Schubert, M Brandenberger, C Ludwig, F Vogel 41. Jahrestreffen deutscher Katalytiker, Feb 27 29, 0 | 1 | |
Continuous catalytic hydrothermal gasification of algal biomass to methane and process optimization for nutrient recycling. M Bagnoud, M Brandenberger, F Vogel, C Ludwig 3rd workshop COST Action CM0903 “Utilisation of biomass for fuel and …, 2012 | | 2012 |
Integrated Minerals Recycling In Biofuel Production–The Sunchem Process C Ludwig, F Vogel, M Brandenberger, M Bagnoud, A Testino, ... Fray International Symposium, 2011 | | 2011 |
Katalytische, hydrothermale Vergasung von Algenbiomasse für die Produktion von synthetischem Erdgas M Brandenberger, T Robin, F Vogel, C Ludwig Chemie Ingenieur Technik 82 (9), 1565-1565, 2010 | | 2010 |
Controlling the Materials Cycles in a new Process for Resource Efficient Fuel Production from Microalgae GA Haiduc, M Brandenberger, ML Molina, F Vogel, R Bernier-Latmani, ... R'World Congress 2009, 2009 | | 2009 |
Catalytic process engineering F Vogel, S Rabe, A Rouff, E De Toni, TB Truong, M Schubert, ... | | 2008 |
Hydrothermal methane from microalgae GA Haiduc, M Brandenberger, S Suquet, C Ludwig, F Vogel, ... 11th International Conference on Applied Phycology, 2008 | | 2008 |
SunCHem–A smart strategy to produce biofuels and capture CO F Vogel, M Brandenberger, M Schubert, C Ludwig, S Stucki, AG Haiduc, ... Smart Energy Strategies, 139, 2008 | | 2008 |