עקוב אחר
Luc Ector
Luc Ector
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין list.lu
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Recommendations for the routine sampling of diatoms for water quality assessments in Europe
MG Kelly, A Cazaubon, E Coring, A Dell'Uomo, L Ector, B Goldsmith, ...
Journal of applied Phycology 10, 215-224, 1998
Diatom teratological forms and environmental alterations: a review
E Falasco, F Bona, G Badino, L Hoffmann, L Ector
Hydrobiologia 623, 1-35, 2009
JP Kociolek, K Balasubramanian, S Blanco, M Coste, L Ector, Y Liu, ...
Gomphonema sancti-naumii D. Metzeltin & Z. Levkov (2007)–http://www …, 2018
Determination of the biological diatom index (IBD NF T 90–354): results of an intercomparison exercise
J Prygiel, P Carpentier, S Almeida, M Coste, JC Druart, L Ector, D Guillard, ...
Journal of Applied Phycology 14, 27-39, 2002
Distribution, ecology and nuisance effects of the freshwater invasive diatom Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt: a literature review
S Blanco, L Ector
Nova Hedwigia 88 (3), 347, 2009
A comparison of national approaches to setting ecological status boundaries in phytobenthos assessment for the European Water Framework Directive: results of an …
M Kelly, C Bennett, M Coste, C Delgado, F Delmas, L Denys, L Ector, ...
Hydrobiologia 621, 169-182, 2009
Impact of acid mine drainage (AMD) on water quality, stream sediments and periphytic diatom communities in the surrounding streams of Aljustrel mining area (Portugal)
AT Luís, P Teixeira, SFP Almeida, L Ector, JX Matos, EA Ferreira da Silva
Water, air, and soil pollution 200, 147-167, 2009
Epiphytic diatoms as water quality indicators in Spanish shallow lakes
S Blanco, L Ector, E Bécares
Vie et Milieu/Life & Environment, 71-79, 2004
Distance decay of similarity in neotropical diatom communities
CE Wetzel, DC Bicudo, L Ector, EA Lobo, J Soininen, VL Landeiro, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45071, 2012
Diatoms as bioindicators in rivers
EA Lobo, CG Heinrich, M Schuch, CE Wetzel, L Ector
River algae, 245-271, 2016
Centric diatoms of large rivers and tributaries in Hungary: morphology and biogeographic distribution
K Kiss, R Klee, L Ector, E Acs
Acta Botanica Croatica 71 (2), 311-363, 2012
Morphology and identity of some ecologically important small Nitzschia species
R Trobajo, L Rovira, L Ector, CE Wetzel, M Kelly, DG Mann
Diatom Research 28 (1), 37-59, 2013
Diatomées invasives exotiques ou rares en France: principales observations effectuées au cours des dernières décennies
M Coste, L Ector
Systematics and geography of plants, 373-400, 2000
Morphology, typification and critical analysis of some ecologically important small naviculoid species (Bacillariophyta)
CE Wetzel, L Ector, B Van de Vijver, P Compère, DG Mann
Fottea 15 (2), 203-234, 2015
Diatom communities and water quality assessment in Mountain Rivers of the upper Segre basin (La Cerdanya, Oriental Pyrenees)
J Goma, F Rimet, J Cambra, L Hoffmann, L Ector
Hydrobiologia 551, 209-225, 2005
Regional distribution of diatom assemblages in the headwater streams of Luxembourg
F Rimet, L Ector, HM Cauchie, L Hoffmann
Hydrobiologia 520, 105-117, 2004
Atlas des diatomées des cours d’eau de la région Rhône-Alpes
MY Bey, L Ector
Tome 5, 751-971, 2013
Typology of diatom communities and the influence of hydro-ecoregions: a study on the French hydrosystem scale
J Tison, YS Park, M Coste, JG Wasson, L Ector, F Rimet, F Delmas
Water Research 39 (14), 3177-3188, 2005
Morphological abnormalities of diatom silica walls in relation to heavy metal contamination and artificial growth conditions
E Falasco, F Bona, M Ginepro, D Hlúbiková, L Hoffmann, L Ector
Water sa 35 (5), 2009
Water quality assessment using diatom assemblages and advanced modelling techniques
M Gevrey, F Rimet, YS Park, JL Giraudel, L Ector, S Lek
Freshwater biology 49 (2), 208-220, 2004
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מאמרים 1–20