Television viewing associates with delayed language development W Chonchaiya, C Pruksananonda Acta Paediatrica 97 (7), 977-982, 2008 | 506 | 2008 |
Fragile X: a family of disorders W Chonchaiya, A Schneider, RJ Hagerman Advances in pediatrics 56, 165, 2009 | 148 | 2009 |
Evening media exposure reduces night‐time sleep N Vijakkhana, T Wilaisakditipakorn, K Ruedeekhajorn, C Pruksananonda, ... Acta Paediatrica 104 (3), 306-312, 2015 | 143 | 2015 |
Increased prevalence of seizures in boys who were probands with the FMR1 premutation and co-morbid autism spectrum disorder W Chonchaiya, J Au, A Schneider, D Hessl, SW Harris, M Laird, Y Mu, ... Human genetics 131, 581-589, 2012 | 136 | 2012 |
Comparison of television viewing between children with autism spectrum disorder and controls W Chonchaiya, P Nuntnarumit, C Pruksananonda Acta Paediatrica 100 (7), 1033-1037, 2011 | 136 | 2011 |
Side effects of minocycline treatment in patients with fragile X syndrome and exploration of outcome measures A Utari, W Chonchaiya, SM Rivera, A Schneider, RJ Hagerman, ... American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities 115 (5), 433-443, 2010 | 130 | 2010 |
Immune‐mediated disorders among women carriers of fragile X premutation alleles TI Winarni, W Chonchaiya, TA Sumekar, P Ashwood, GM Morales, ... American journal of medical genetics Part A 158 (10), 2473-2481, 2012 | 108 | 2012 |
Elevated background TV exposure over time increases behavioural scores of 18‐month‐old toddlers W Chonchaiya, C Sirachairat, N Vijakkhana, T Wilaisakditipakorn, ... Acta Paediatrica 104 (10), 1039-1046, 2015 | 105 | 2015 |
Screen media exposure in the first 2 years of life and preschool cognitive development: a longitudinal study S Supanitayanon, P Trairatvorakul, W Chonchaiya Pediatric Research 88 (6), 894-902, 2020 | 99 | 2020 |
Positive mother‐child interactions and parenting styles were associated with lower screen time in early childhood K Detnakarintra, P Trairatvorakul, C Pruksananonda, W Chonchaiya Acta paediatrica 109 (4), 817-826, 2020 | 72 | 2020 |
Clinical involvement in daughters of men with fragile X‐associated tremor ataxia syndrome W Chonchaiya, DV Nguyen, J Au, L Campos, EM Berry‐Kravis, K Lohse, ... Clinical Genetics 78 (1), 38-46, 2010 | 65 | 2010 |
Sertraline may improve language developmental trajectory in young children with fragile x syndrome: a retrospective chart review T Indah Winarni, W Chonchaiya, E Adams, J Au, Y Mu, SM Rivera, ... Autism research and treatment 2012 (1), 104317, 2012 | 64 | 2012 |
Pattern of video game use in children with attention‐deficit–hyperactivity disorder and typical development T Kietglaiwansiri, W Chonchaiya Pediatrics International 60 (6), 523-528, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Media use and psychosocial adjustment in children and adolescents N Limtrakul, O Louthrenoo, A Narkpongphun, N Boonchooduang, ... Journal of paediatrics and child health 54 (3), 296-301, 2018 | 55 | 2018 |
Investigation of epigenetic regulatory networks associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by integrated global LINE-1 methylation and gene expression profiling analyses C Tangsuwansri, T Saeliw, S Thongkorn, W Chonchaiya, ... PloS one 13 (7), e0201071, 2018 | 53 | 2018 |
Developmental trends in auditory processing can provide early predictions of language acquisition in young infants W Chonchaiya, T Tardif, X Mai, L Xu, M Li, N Kaciroti, PR Kileny, J Shao, ... Developmental Science 16 (2), 159-172, 2013 | 52 | 2013 |
Integrated genome-wide Alu methylation and transcriptome profiling analyses reveal novel epigenetic regulatory networks associated with autism spectrum disorder T Saeliw, C Tangsuwansri, S Thongkorn, W Chonchaiya, ... Molecular autism 9, 1-19, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Autoimmune disease in mothers with the FMR1 premutation is associated with seizures in their children with fragile X syndrome W Chonchaiya, F Tassone, P Ashwood, D Hessl, A Schneider, L Campos, ... Human genetics 128, 539-548, 2010 | 41 | 2010 |
Two-step screening of the modified checklist for autism in toddlers in Thai children with language delay and typically developing children P Srisinghasongkram, C Pruksananonda, W Chonchaiya Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46, 3317-3329, 2016 | 35 | 2016 |
Broad clinical involvement in a family affected by the fragile X premutation W Chonchaiya, A Utari, GM Pereira, F Tassone, D Hessl, RJ Hagerman Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 30 (6), 544-551, 2009 | 35 | 2009 |