Tree automata techniques and applications H Comon, M Dauchet, R Gilleron, F Jacquemard, D Lugiez, C Löding, ... | 1708 | 2008 |
ICE: A robust framework for learning invariants P Garg, C Löding, P Madhusudan, D Neider Computer Aided Verification: 26th International Conference, CAV 2014, Held …, 2014 | 279 | 2014 |
Alternating automata and logics over infinite words C Loding, W Thomas IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, 521-535, 2000 | 119 | 2000 |
Optimal bounds for transformations of ω-automata C Löding Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: 19th …, 1999 | 110 | 1999 |
Efficient minimization of deterministic weak ω-automata C Löding Information Processing Letters 79 (3), 105-109, 2001 | 103 | 2001 |
Visibly pushdown games C Löding, P Madhusudan, O Serre FSTTCS 2004: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer …, 2005 | 96 | 2005 |
Model checking and satisfiability for sabotage modal logic C Löding, P Rohde International conference on foundations of software technology and …, 2003 | 88 | 2003 |
The non-deterministic Mostowski hierarchy and distance-parity automata T Colcombet, C Löding International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 398-409, 2008 | 87 | 2008 |
Synthesis of open reactive systems from scenario-based specifications Y Bontemps, PY Schobbens, C Löding Fundamenta Informaticae 62 (2), 139-169, 2004 | 83 | 2004 |
Transforming structures by set interpretations T Colcombet, C Löding Logical Methods in Computer Science 3, 2007 | 72 | 2007 |
Solving the sabotage game is PSPACE-hard C Löding, P Rohde International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 531-540, 2003 | 72 | 2003 |
Deterministic automata on unranked trees J Cristau, C Löding, W Thomas Fundamentals of Computation Theory: 15th International Symposium, FCT 2005 …, 2005 | 61 | 2005 |
Regularity problems for visibly pushdown languages V Bárány, C Löding, O Serre STACS 2006: 23rd Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science …, 2006 | 60 | 2006 |
Regular cost functions over finite trees T Colcombet, C Löding 2010 25th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 70-79, 2010 | 59 | 2010 |
Learning universally quantified invariants of linear data structures P Garg, C Löding, P Madhusudan, D Neider Computer Aided Verification: 25th International Conference, CAV 2013, Saint …, 2013 | 53 | 2013 |
MSO on the infinite binary tree: Choice and order A Carayol, C Löding International Workshop on Computer Science Logic, 161-176, 2007 | 47 | 2007 |
Choice functions and well-orderings over the infinite binary tree A Carayol, C Löding, D Niwinski, I Walukiewicz Open Mathematics 8 (4), 662-682, 2010 | 44 | 2010 |
Logical theories and compatible operations. A Blumensath, T Colcombet, C Löding Logic and Automata 2, 73-106, 2008 | 44 | 2008 |
Infinite graphs generated by tree rewriting C Löding Aachen, Techn. Hochsch., Diss., 2002, 2003 | 44 | 2003 |
The Nesting-Depth of Disjunctive μ-Calculus for Tree Languages and the Limitedness Problem T Colcombet, C Löding Computer Science Logic: 22nd International Workshop, CSL 2008, 17th Annual …, 2008 | 43 | 2008 |