עקוב אחר
winda astuti
winda astuti
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין binus.edu
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Hybrid technique using singular value decomposition (SVD) and support vector machine (SVM) approach for earthquake prediction
W Astuti, R Akmeliawati, W Sediono, MJE Salami
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2014
Development of non-destructive mango assessment using Handheld Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Regression
DG Abdullah Al-Sanabani, MI Solihin, LP Pui, W Astuti, CK Ang, LW Hong
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1367 (1), 012030, 2019
Adaptive Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) Analysis of seismic electric signal (SES): A comparison of Hamming and rectangular window
W Astuti, W Sediono, AM Aibinu, R Akmeliawati, MJE Salami
2012 IEEE symposium on industrial electronics and applications, 372-377, 2012
Optimization of fuzzy logic controller parameters using modern meta-heuristic algorithm for gantry crane system (GCS)
MI Solihin, CY Chuan, W Astuti
Materials Today: Proceedings 29, 168-172, 2020
Development of prediction system model for mechanical property in friction stir welding using support vector machine (SVM)
A Syah, W Astuti, J Saedon
Journal of Mechanical Engineering (JMechE), 216-225, 2018
Pothole detection system design with proximity sensor to provide motorcycle with warning system and increase road safety driving
HM Hanif, ZS Lie, W Astuti, S Tan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 426 (1), 012039, 2020
Food powders classification using handheld near-infrared spectroscopy and support vector machine
MY Mohamed, MI Solihin, W Astuti, CK Ang, W Zailah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1367 (1), 012029, 2019
Automatic fruit classification using support vector machines: a comparison with artificial neural network
W Astuti, S Dewanto, KEN Soebandrija, S Tan
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 195 (1), 012047, 2018
Automotive start-stop engine based on face recognition system
L William, A Winda, D Satrio, T Sofyan, MI Solihin
E3S web of conferences 130, 01020, 2019
Animal sound activity detection using multi-class support vector machines
W Astuti, AM Aibinu, MJE Salami, R Akmelawati, AGA Muthalif
2011 4th international conference on mechatronics (ICOM), 1-5, 2011
Automatic petrol and diesel engine sound identification based on machine learning approaches
H Frederick, A Winda, MI Solihin
E3S Web of Conferences 130, 01011, 2019
Intelligent automatic starting engine based on voice recognition system
W Astuti, EBW Riyandwita
2016 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 1-5, 2016
Investigation of the characteristics of geoelectric field signals prior to earthquakes using adaptive STFT techniques
W Astuti, W Sediono, R Akmeliawati, AM Aibinu, MJE Salami
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13 (6), 1679-1686, 2013
Automatic voice-based recognition for automotive headlights beam control
W Astuti, S Tan, MI Solihin, RS Vincent, B Michael
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 18 (1), 8454-8463, 2021
Applying CBT in physics learning to measure students’ higher order thinking skills
E Istiyono, WSB Dwandaru, L Erfianti, W Astuti
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1440 (1), 012061, 2020
Intelligent automatic V6 and V8 engine sound detection based on artificial neural network
W Vincent, A Winda, MI Solihin
E3S Web of Conferences 130, 01035, 2019
Intelligent automatic starting engine based on voice recognition
W Astuti, EBW Riyandwita
IEEE SCOReD 2016, 2016
Automatic cataract detection system based on support vector machine (SVM)
LM Marcello, E Oey, S Lie, W Astuti
Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific International Conference on …, 2021
Automatic Diabetic Detection System based on Retina Using an artificial intelligent system
ZA Alaydrus, W Astuti, S Tan
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 982 (1), 012002, 2020
Automatic Arabic recognition system based on support vector machines (SVMs)
W Astuti, AM Salma, AM Aibinu, R Akmeliawati, MJE Salami
2011 National Postgraduate Conference, 1-4, 2011
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