עקוב אחר
Sonja D. Radenković
Sonja D. Radenković
Ph.D., Union University, University of Belgrade
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין bba.edu.rs - דף הבית
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
SAWIT—Security Awareness Improvement Tool in the Workplace
A Kovačević, SD Radenković
Applied Sciences 10 (9), 3065, 2020
Neuro fuzzy evaluation of circular economy based on waste generation, recycling, renewable energy, biomass and soil pollution
B Petković, AS Agdas, Y Zandi, I Nikolić, N Denić, SD Radenkovic, ...
Rhizosphere 19, 100418, 2021
An assessment system on the Semantic Web
S Radenković, N Krdžavac, V Devedžić
Web 2.0 & Semantic Web, 177-200, 2010
A QTI Metamodel
S Radenković, N Krdžavac, V Devedžić
Proceedings of the International Multiconference on ISSN 1896, 7094, 2007
Content and knowledge provision service–a way to build intellectual capital in learning organizations
SD Radenković, V Devedžić, J Jovanović, Z Jeremic
Knowledge Management Research & Practice 12 (3), 297-309, 2014
Application of Solar Activity Time Series in Machine Learning Predictive Modeling of Precipitation-Induced Floods
S Malinović-Milićević, MM Radovanović, SD Radenković, Y Vyklyuk, ...
Mathematics 11 (4), 795, 2023
Applying Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Transformation of Banking Sector
SD Radenković, H Hanić, M Bugarčić
Proceedings 85 (1), 19, 2023
Specifying cases for technology enhanced learning in a small and medium enterprise
V Devedžić, S Radenković, J Jovanović, V Pocajt
Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal 2 (3), 260-277, 2010
Towards More Intelligent Assessment Systems
S Radenkovic, N Krdžavac, V Devedžic
Technology Enhanced Learning: Best Practices, 258-283, 2008
Predictive Patterns and Market Efficiency: A Deep Learning Approach to Financial Time Series Forecasting
DB Vuković, SD Radenković, I Simeunović, V Zinovev, M Radovanović
Mathematics 12 (19), 3066, 2024
Shine a Light--E-Learning Initiatives from Two EU Projects.
V Devedžic, SD Radenkovic, M Devedžic
International Association for Development of the Information Society, 2022
Web service support for collaboration between demographers
M Devedžić, V Devedžić, SD Radenković
Computer Science and Information Systems/ComSIS 9 (2), 943-960, 2012
MDA and semantic web technologies for assessment systems
S Radenković, N Krdžavac, V Devedžić
Proceeding of the 6th International Workshop on Ontologies and Semantic Web …, 2008
A Contribution to the Development of IT, STEM/STEAM and Soft Skills of Women in Rural Areas
M Blagojević, V Devedžić, S Radenković, M Devedžić
environment 3 (4), 5, 2023
Little Miss Strange: Online Education for Empowering Women from Under-Represented Groups.
V Devedzic, M Devedzic, SD Radenkovic, M Blagojevic
International Society for Technology, Education, and Science, 2023
She’sa Woman Who Understands: The WINnovators Project
SD Radenkovic, V Devedzic, M Devedzic
T owards Smart and Inclusive Learning Ecosystem, Proceedings of the 2022 …, 2022
Innovation in Technology and Organization as a Factor in the Development of Agribusiness
B Jokić, SD Radenković, B Jokić
China-USA Business Review 17 (6), 293-301, 2018
An intelligent framework for assessment systems
SD Radenković, V Devedžić, N Krdžavac
Semantic web technologies for e-learning, 178-196, 2009
Sistem za evaluaciju znanja studenata kao podrška fleksibilnoj obuci
SD Radenković, S Lazarević
Info M 5 (17), 17-21, 2006
Student knowledge evaluation system as a support for flexible assessment
S Radenković, SD Lazarević
Info M 5 (17), 17-21, 2006
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מאמרים 1–20