עקוב אחר
Ján Madarás
Ján Madarás
Senior Research Scientist
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין savba.sk
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Focal mechanisms of micro-earthquakes in the Dobrá Voda seismoactive area in the Malé Karpaty Mts.(Little Carpathians), Slovakia
L Fojtíková, V Vavryčuk, A Cipciar, J Madarás
Tectonophysics 492 (1-4), 213-229, 2010
Tertiary extension development and extension/compression interplay in the West Carpathian mountain belt
M Nemcok, J Hok, P Kovac, F Marko, MP Coward, J Madaras, ...
Tectonophysics 290 (1-2), 137-167, 1998
Geochronological evidence for the Alpine tectono-thermal evolution of the Veporic Unit (Western Carpathians, Slovakia)
R Vojtko, S Králiková, P Jeřábek, R Schuster, M Danišík, B Fügenschuh, ...
Tectonophysics 666, 48-65, 2016
Layered metaigneous complex of the Veporic basement with features of the Variscan and Alpine thrust tectonics (the Western Carpathians)
M Putiš, I Filová, SP Korikovsky, AB Kotov, J Madarás
Geological evolution of the Western Carpathians, 175-196, 1997
Early-vs. Late orogenic granitoids relationships in the Variscan basement of the Western Carpathians
M Putiš, AB Kotov, I Petrík, SP Korikovsky, J Madarás, EB Salnikova, ...
Geologica Carpathica 54 (3), 163-174, 2003
Late Quaternary fault activity in the Western Carpathians: evidence from the Vikartovce Fault (Slovakia)
R Vojtko, F Marko, F Preusser, J Madarás, M Kovacova
Geologica Carpathica 62 (6), 563, 2011
The Alpine overprints of the magnetic fabrics in the basement and cover rocks of the Veporic Unit (Western Carpathians, Slovakia)
F Hrouda, M Putiš, J Madarás
Tectonophysics 359 (3-4), 271-288, 2002
Extensional tectonics of the western part of the contact area between Veporicum and Gemericum (Western Carpathians)
J Hók, P Kováč, J Madarás
Miner. slovaca 25, 172-176, 1993
Time-frequency analysis of explosions in the ammunition factory in Novaky, Slovakia
M Kristekova, P Moczo, P Labak, A Cipciar, L Fojtikova, J Madaras, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 98 (5), 2507-2516, 2008
Extension tectonics and exhumation of crystalline basement of the Veporicum unit (Central Western Carpathians)
J Madarás, J Hók, P Siman, V Bezák, P Ledru, O Lexa
Slovak Geological Magazine 3 (4), 179-83, 1996
Structure, composition and tectonic evolution of the Pieniny Klippen Belt–Central Western Carpathian contiguous zone (Kysuce and Orava regions, NW Slovakia)
D Plašienka, R Aubrecht, V Bezák, M Bielik, I Broska, J Bučová, K Fekete, ...
Comenius University, 2021
Vysvetlivky ku geologickej mape regiónu Malé Karpaty v mierke 1: 50 000
M Polák, D Plašienka, M Kohút, M Putiš, V Bezák, J Maglay, M Olšavský, ...
MŽP SR, Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra, Bratislava, 2012
Deformation and pT conditions estimated in ‘‘layered migmatites’’from southern part of Veporicum crystalline basement (Western Carpathians, Slovakia)
P Siman, V Johan, P Ledru, V Bezák, J Madarás
Slovak Geological Magazine 3, 209-213, 1996
Magnesite and talc origin in the sequence of geodynamic events in Veporicum, Inner Western Carpathians, Slovakia
Z Nemeth, W Prochaska, M Radvanec, M Kovacik, J Madaras, P Kodera
Acta Petrologica Sinica 20 (4), 837-854, 2004
Geologická mapa Považského Inovca a JV časti Trenčianskej kotliny. 1: 50 000
J Ivanička, M Havrila, M Kohút, M Kováčik, J Madarás, M Olšavský, J Hók, ...
Geology map of the Považský Inovec Mts and the SE part of the Trenčianska …, 2007
Vysvetlivky ku geologickej mape Záhorskej nížiny 1: 50 000
K Fordinál, J Maglay, M Elečko, A Nagy, M Moravcová, M Vlačiky, ...
ŠGÚDŠ, Bratislava, 2012
Structural characteristic of the middle part of the Pohorelá tectonic zone Veporicum, Western Carpathians
J Madarás, M Putiš, B Dubík
Mineralia Slovaca 26 (3), 177-191, 1994
Geological structure and tectonic evolution of the Southern Veporicum
R Vojtko, J Hók, P KovÁč, J Madarás, I FILová
Slovak Geological Magazine 6 (2-3), 287-292, 2000
Extenzna tektonika zapadného useku stycnej zony gemerika a veporika
J Hók, P KOVAK, J Madarás
Mineralia Slovaca 25 (3), 172-176, 1993
Tektonika Zapadnych Karpat v tercieri
M NEMCOK, J Hók, P KOVAC, F Marko, J Madarás, V Bezák
Seminaire: Geodynamicky model a hlbinna stavba Zapadnych Karpat, 263-267, 1993
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מאמרים 1–20