Trust, satisfaction, and online repurchase intention Y Fang, I Qureshi, H Sun, P McCole, E Ramsey, KH Lim MIS quarterly 38 (2), 407-A9, 2014 | 1148 | 2014 |
Repurchase intention in B2C e-commerce—A relationship quality perspective Y Zhang, Y Fang, KK Wei, E Ramsey, P McCole, H Chen Information & Management 48 (6), 192-200, 2011 | 686 | 2011 |
Understanding sustained participation in open source software projects Y Fang, D Neufeld Journal of Management Information Systems 25 (4), 9-50, 2009 | 541 | 2009 |
Exploring the role of psychological safety in promoting the intention to continue sharing knowledge in virtual communities Y Zhang, Y Fang, KK Wei, H Chen International Journal of Information Management 30 (5), 425-436, 2010 | 506 | 2010 |
Multinational firm knowledge, use of expatriates, and foreign subsidiary performance Y Fang, GLF Jiang, S Makino, PW Beamish Journal of Management Studies 47 (1), 27-54, 2010 | 411 | 2010 |
Understanding online customer repurchasing intention and the mediating role of trust–an empirical investigation in two developed countries I Qureshi, Y Fang, E Ramsey, P McCole, P Ibbotson, D Compeau European Journal of Information Systems 18 (3), 205-222, 2009 | 392 | 2009 |
Understanding sustained participation in transactional virtual communities Y Sun, Y Fang, KH Lim Decision Support Systems 53 (1), 12-22, 2012 | 386 | 2012 |
Understanding employee innovative behavior: Integrating the social network and leader–member exchange perspectives XH Wang, Y Fang, I Qureshi, O Janssen Journal of organizational behavior 36 (3), 403-420, 2015 | 379 | 2015 |
How doctors gain social and economic returns in online health-care communities: a professional capital perspective S Guo, X Guo, Y Fang, D Vogel Journal of management information systems 34 (2), 487-519, 2017 | 358 | 2017 |
Remote leadership, communication effectiveness and leader performance DJ Neufeld, Z Wan, Y Fang Group decision and negotiation 19, 227-246, 2010 | 346 | 2010 |
Attracted to or locked in? Predicting continuance intention in social virtual world services Z Zhou, Y Fang, DR Vogel, XL Jin, X Zhang Journal of management information systems 29 (1), 273-306, 2012 | 345 | 2012 |
International diversification, subsidiary performance, and the mobility of knowledge resources Y Fang, M Wade, A Delios, PW Beamish Strategic management journal 28 (10), 1053-1064, 2007 | 329 | 2007 |
Moderating role of gender in the relationships between perceived benefits and satisfaction in social virtual world continuance Z Zhou, XL Jin, Y Fang Decision support systems 65, 69-79, 2014 | 280 | 2014 |
User satisfaction with information technology service delivery: A social capital perspective Y Sun, Y Fang, KH Lim, D Straub Information Systems Research 23 (4), 1195-1211, 2012 | 273 | 2012 |
Individual motivations and demographic differences in social virtual world uses: An exploratory investigation in Second Life Z Zhou, XL Jin, DR Vogel, Y Fang, X Chen International Journal of Information Management 31 (3), 261-271, 2011 | 266 | 2011 |
Individual, social and situational determinants of telecommuter productivity DJ Neufeld, Y Fang Information & Management 42 (7), 1037-1049, 2005 | 234 | 2005 |
Contributing high quantity and quality knowledge to online Q & A communities J Lou, Y Fang, KH Lim, JZ Peng Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64 (2 …, 2013 | 233 | 2013 |
Choosing a fit technology: Understanding mindfulness in technology adoption and continuance H Sun, Y Fang, HM Zou Journal of the Association for Information Systems 17 (6), 2, 2016 | 178 | 2016 |
The role of trust in promoting organizational knowledge seeking using knowledge management systems: An empirical investigation W He, Y Fang, KK Wei Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60 (3 …, 2009 | 174 | 2009 |
The role of information technology in technology-mediated learning: A review of the past for the future Z Wan, Y Fang | 173 | 2006 |