עקוב אחר
Carlos Lima
Carlos Lima
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין unb.br
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Quantifying changes in future intensity‐duration‐frequency curves using multimodel ensemble simulations
E Ragno, A AghaKouchak, CA Love, L Cheng, F Vahedifard, CHR Lima
Water Resources Research 54 (3), 1751-1764, 2018
Spatial scaling in a changing climate: A hierarchical bayesian model for non-stationary multi-site annual maximum and monthly streamflow
CHR Lima, U Lall
Journal of Hydrology 383 (3-4), 307-318, 2010
A climate informed model for nonstationary flood risk prediction: Application to Negro River at Manaus, Amazonia
CHR Lima, U Lall, TJ Troy, N Devineni
Journal of Hydrology 522, 594-602, 2015
A Bayesian beta distribution model for estimating rainfall IDF curves in a changing climate
CHR Lima, HH Kwon, JY Kim
Journal of Hydrology 540, 744-756, 2016
Climate informed monthly streamflow forecasts for the Brazilian hydropower network using a periodic ridge regression model
CHR Lima, U Lall
Journal of hydrology 380 (3-4), 438-449, 2010
A hierarchical Bayesian GEV model for improving local and regional flood quantile estimates
CHR Lima, U Lall, T Troy, N Devineni
Journal of Hydrology 541, 816-823, 2016
A local-regional scaling-invariant Bayesian GEV model for estimating rainfall IDF curves in a future climate
CHR Lima, HH Kwon, YT Kim
Journal of Hydrology 566, 73-88, 2018
Stochastic extreme downscaling model for an assessment of changes in rainfall intensity-duration-frequency curves over South Korea using multiple regional climate models
BJ So, JY Kim, HH Kwon, CHR Lima
Journal of Hydrology 553, 321-337, 2017
Statistical prediction of ENSO from subsurface sea temperature using a nonlinear dimensionality reduction
CHR Lima, U Lall, T Jebara, AG Barnston
Journal of Climate 22 (17), 4501-4519, 2009
Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of multisite daily rainfall occurrence: Rainy season onset, peak, and end
CHR Lima, U Lall
Water resources research 45 (7), 2009
A Bayesian Kriging model applied for spatial downscaling of daily rainfall from GCMs
CHR Lima, HH Kwon, YT Kim
Journal of Hydrology 597, 126095, 2021
Climate informed long term seasonal forecasts of hydroenergy inflow for the Brazilian hydropower system
CHR Lima, U Lall
Journal of hydrology 381 (1-2), 65-75, 2010
A Bayesian partial pooling approach to mean field bias correction of weather radar rainfall estimates: Application to Osungsan weather radar in South Korea
TJ Kim, HH Kwon, C Lima
Journal of Hydrology 565, 14-26, 2018
Droughts in Amazonia: spatiotemporal variability, teleconnections, and seasonal predictions
CHR Lima, A AghaKouchak
Water Resources Research 53 (12), 10824-10840, 2017
Unraveling the role of temperature and rainfall on active fires in the Brazilian Amazon using a nonlinear Poisson model
CHR Lima, A AghaKouchak, JT Randerson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123 (1), 117-128, 2018
The Brazilian National System for Water and Sanitation Data (SNIS): Providing information on a municipal level on water and sanitation services
MCP Borges, SB Abreu, CHR Lima, T Cardoso, SM Yonamine, ...
Journal of Urban Management 11 (4), 530-542, 2022
Classification of mechanisms, climatic context, areal scaling, and synchronization of floods: the hydroclimatology of floods in the Upper Paraná River basin, Brazil
CHR Lima, A AghaKouchak, U Lall
Earth System Dynamics 8 (4), 1071-1091, 2017
Caracterização Espaço-Temporal das Secas no Nordeste a partir da Análise do índice SPI
MVNS Carmo, CHR Lima
Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 35, 233-242, 2020
A novel multi-scale parameter estimation approach to the Hargreaves-Samani equation for estimation of Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration
HJ Kim, S Chandrasekara, HH Kwon, C Lima, T Kim
Agricultural Water Management 275, 108038, 2023
Links between different classes of storm tracks and the flood trends in Spain
MS Santos, L Mediero, CHR Lima, LZ Moura
Journal of Hydrology 567, 71-85, 2018
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