עקוב אחר
Citra Kurniawan
Citra Kurniawan
Universitas Negeri Malang | Scopus ID: 57200987110 | SINTA ID: 6748002
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין um.ac.id
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Pengembangan e-modul sebagai media literasi digital pada pembelajaran abad 21
C Kurniawan, D Kuswandi
Academia Publication, 2021
Student feedback on online learning by using sentiment analysis: a literature review
S Ulfa, R Bringula, C Kurniawan, M Fadhli
2020 6th international conference on education and technology (ICET), 53-58, 2020
Perception analysis of the Indonesian society on twitter social media on the increase in BPJS kesehatan contribution in the Covid 19 pandemic era
FC Permana, ZM Wicaksono, C Kurniawan, AS Abdullah, BN Ruchjana
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1722 (1), 012022, 2021
Wawasan pendidikan: Studi komparatif sistem pendidikan di beberapa negara maju (Korea Selatan dan Jepang)
C Kurniawan
OSF, 2017
Sentiment analysis of online learning students feedback for facing new semester: A support vector machine approach
C Kurniawan, F Wahyuni
2021 7th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET), 1-6, 2021
Performance analysis virtual server VMware Vsphere 5.5 with physical enterprise server
DE Kurniawan, M Nashrullah, N Kurniasih, GSA Daengs, C Kurniawan
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (1), 012107, 2018
Filsafat Ilmu dalam Lingkup Agama dan Kebudayaan, Peran Ilmu dalam Pengembangan Agama, Peran Agama dalam Pengembangan Ilmu
C Kurniawan
OSF, 2017
Assessing Learning Management System (LMS) for The Dairy Farmer: Obstacles to Delivering Online Learning Content
C Kurniawan, O Fajarianto, IN Sari, TC Wulandari, E Marlina
JTP-Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan 24 (3), 341-352, 2022
Electrical engineering student learning preferences modelled using k-means clustering
C Kurniawan, P Setyosari, W Kamdi, S Ulfa
Glob. J. Eng. Educ 20 (2), 140-145, 2018
Literasi pembelajaran digital dengan integrasi pendekatan tringo ki hadjar dewantara untuk guru-guru SMP Wahid Hasyim Malang
D Kuswandi, ZZA Thaariq, C Kurniawan, F Aulia, DA Wijanarko, ...
Jurnal KARINOV 4 (3), 163-167, 2021
Modelling the learner model based ontology in adaptive learning environment
S Ulfa, DB Lasfeto, C Kurniawan
Journal of Disruptive Learning Innovation (JODLI) 1 (1), 35-46, 2019
Build design introduction to university profiles using the logo with the augmented reality method
T Trizno Zuono, M Hatta, C Kurniawan, febri liantoni, I Sugiarto, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1175, 012115, 2019
Computer assisted instruction model for mathematics education
D Sudrajat, I Mulyaningsih, C Kurniawan, IN Sari, EP Permana
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 10 (13), 1613-1616, 2018
Penerapan teknologi natural user interace (NUI) sebagai strategi pembelajaran terhadap retensi belajar
C Kurniawan
Jurnal Dimensi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran 5 (2), 56-63, 2017
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran 3D Display System Berbasis Holografi
C Kurniawan
Sinteks: Jurnal Teknik 5 (2), 2016
Improving Language teaching and learning process with dual coding theory approaches
C Kurniawan, SR Kusumaningrum, KFT Lam, E Surahman
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, Dan Pengembangan 7 (8), 281, 2022
Classification Of Engineering Students' Self-Efficacy Towards Visual-Verbal Preferences Using Data Mining Methods
C Kurniawan, P Setyosari, W Kamdi, S Ulfa
Problems of Education in the 21st Century 77 (3), 349, 2019
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Travel Booking Berbasis Android Pada Transwisata Travelindo Tour And Travel Malang
C Kurniawan, IY Kristiana
OSF, 2018
The Mask of Leadership: Reflection on Art-Based Learning for Preservice Teachers
Z Zakaria, A Ardiansyah, W Srinin, C Kurniawan, R Hidajat
Journal of Leadership in Organizations 5 (1), 2023
Development of virtual classroom for hybrid live teaching mode
Y Soepriyanto, CR Pratama, D Kuswandi, C Kurniawan, HI Oktaviani, ...
2022 8th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET), 165-170, 2022
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