A revision of the genus Leptogorgia Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857 (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) in the eastern Pacific O Breedy, HM Guzman Zootaxa 1419 (1), 1-90, 2007 | 109 | 2007 |
Distribution, diversity, and conservation of coral reefs and coral communities in the largest marine protected area of Pacific Panama (Coiba Island) HM Guzman, CA Guevara, O Breedy Environmental conservation 31 (2), 111-121, 2004 | 97 | 2004 |
A revision of the genus Pacifigorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) O Breedy, HM Guzman PROCEEDINGS-BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 115 (4), 782-839, 2002 | 96 | 2002 |
Marine biodiversity of Eastern Tropical Pacific coral reefs J Cortés, IC Enochs, J Sibaja-Cordero, L Hernández, JJ Alvarado, ... Coral reefs of the Eastern Tropical Pacific: persistence and loss in a …, 2017 | 84 | 2017 |
Octocorals from Costa Rica: The genus Pacifigorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) O Breedy, HM Guzmán Zootaxa 281 (1), 1-60, 2003 | 68 | 2003 |
A revision of the genus Eugorgia Verrill, 1868 (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) O Breedy, HM Guzman, S Vargas Zootaxa, 2009 | 61 | 2009 |
Broadening reef protection across the Marine Conservation Corridor of the Eastern Tropical Pacific: distribution and diversity of reefs in Las Perlas Archipelago, Panama HM Guzman, S Benfield, O Breedy, JM Mair Environmental Conservation 35 (1), 46-54, 2008 | 59 | 2008 |
Distribución y diversidad de equinodermos (Asteroidea, Echinoidea, Holothuroidea) en las Islas del Golfo de Chiriquí, Panamá JJ Alvarado, HM Guzman, O Breedy Revista de biología marina y oceanografía 47 (1), 13-22, 2012 | 54 | 2012 |
A new species of Leptogorgia (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) from the shallow waters of the eastern Pacific O Breedy, HM Guzmán Zootaxa, 2005 | 47 | 2005 |
The Panamic gorgonian genus Pacifigorgia (Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) in the Galápagos Archipelago, with descriptions of three new species GC Williams, O Breedy PROCEEDINGS-CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 55 (1/12), 55, 2004 | 47 | 2004 |
Octocorals (Coelenterata: Anthozoa: Octocorallia) of Isla del Coco, Costa Rica O Breedy, J Cortés Revista de Biología Tropical 56 (S2), 71–77-71–77, 2008 | 41 | 2008 |
Distribution patterns of the genus Pacifigorgia (Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae): track compatibility analysis and parsimony analysis of endemicity S Vargas, HM Guzman, O Breedy Journal of Biogeography 35 (2), 241-247, 2008 | 41 | 2008 |
A revision of the genus Heterogorgia Verrill, 1868 (Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Plexauridae) ODALISCA BREEDY (Costa Rica) & HECTOR M. GUZMAN (Republic of Panama) O Breedy, HM Guzman Zootaxa 2995 (1), 27-44, 2011 | 39 | 2011 |
A new species of Pacifigorgia from the eastern Pacific (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) O Breedy Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington 10, 181-187, 2001 | 35 | 2001 |
A new family of soft corals (Anthozoa, Octocorallia, Alcyonacea) from the aphotic tropical eastern Pacific waters revealed by integrative taxonomy O Breedy, LP Van Ofwegen, S Vargas Systematics and Biodiversity 10 (3), 351-359, 2012 | 32 | 2012 |
Morphology and taxonomy of a new species of Leptogorgia (Cnidaria: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) in Cocos Island National Park, Pacific Costa Rica O Breedy, J Cortés Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 124 (2), 62-69, 2011 | 31 | 2011 |
Homoplasious colony morphology and mito-nuclear phylogenetic discordance among Eastern Pacific octocorals SL Ament-Velásquez, O Breedy, J Cortés, HM Guzman, G Wörheide, ... Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 98, 373-381, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Molecular phylogeny and DNA barcoding of tropical eastern Pacific shallow-water gorgonian octocorals S Vargas, HM Guzman, O Breedy, G Wörheide Marine Biology 161, 1027-1038, 2014 | 29 | 2014 |
Species composition and bathymetric distribution of gorgonians (Anthozoa: Octocorallia) on the Southern Mexican Pacific coast R Abeytia, HM Guzmán, O Breedy Revista de Biología Tropical 61 (3), 1157-1166, 2013 | 29 | 2013 |
A new species of alcyonacean octocoral from the Galapagos Archipelago O Breedy, HM Guzman Journal of the marine biological association of the United Kingdom 85 (4 …, 2005 | 29 | 2005 |