Predicting secondary school teachers’ acceptance and use of a digital learning environment: A cross-sectional study B Pynoo, P Devolder, J Tondeur, J Van Braak, W Duyck, P Duyck Computers in Human behavior 27 (1), 568-575, 2011 | 517 | 2011 |
Developing a validated instrument to measure preservice teachers’ ICT competencies: Meeting the demands of the 21st century J Tondeur, K Aesaert, B Pynoo, J Van Braak, N Fraeyman, O Erstad British Journal of Educational Technology 48 (2), 462-472, 2017 | 457 | 2017 |
Experts speaking: Crucial teacher attributes for implementing blended learning in higher education B Bruggeman, J Tondeur, K Struyven, B Pynoo, A Garone, ... The Internet and higher education 48, 100772, 2021 | 404 | 2021 |
Teachers' acceptance and use of an educational portal B Pynoo, J Tondeur, J Van Braak, W Duyck, B Sijnave, P Duyck Computers & education 58 (4), 1308-1317, 2012 | 181 | 2012 |
User acceptance of a picture archiving and communication system P Duyck, B Pynoo, P Devolder, T Voet, L Adang, J Vercruysse Methods of information in medicine 47 (02), 149-156, 2008 | 181 | 2008 |
Clustering university teaching staff through UTAUT: Implications for the acceptance of a new learning management system A Garone, B Pynoo, J Tondeur, C Cocquyt, S Vanslambrouck, ... British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (5), 2466-2483, 2019 | 171 | 2019 |
A latent profile analysis of adult students’ online self-regulation in blended learning environments S Vanslambrouck, C Zhu, B Pynoo, K Lombaerts, J Tondeur, R Scherer Computers in Human Behavior 99, 126-136, 2019 | 155 | 2019 |
Monitoring the PACS implementation process in a large university hospital—discrepancies between radiologists and physicians P Duyck, B Pynoo, P Devolder, T Voet, L Adang, D Ovaere, J Vercruysse Journal of digital imaging 23, 73-80, 2010 | 119 | 2010 |
Exploring university teachers’ online education during COVID-19: Tensions between enthusiasm and stress B Bruggeman, A Garone, K Struyven, B Pynoo, J Tondeur Computers and Education Open 3, 100095, 2022 | 82 | 2022 |
Do hospital physicians’ attitudes change during PACS implementation? A cross-sectional acceptance study B Pynoo, P Devolder, W Duyck, J van Braak, B Sijnave, P Duyck International journal of medical informatics 81 (2), 88-97, 2012 | 82 | 2012 |
An in-depth analysis of adult students in blended environments: Do they regulate their learning in an ‘old school’way? S Vanslambrouck, C Zhu, B Pynoo, V Thomas, K Lombaerts, J Tondeur Computers & Education 128, 75-87, 2019 | 79 | 2019 |
Predicting teachers’ generative and receptive use of an educational portal by intention, attitude and self-reported use B Pynoo, J van Braak Computers in Human Behavior 34, 315-322, 2014 | 74 | 2014 |
Examining lived experiences in a professional development program for online teaching: A hermeneutic phenomenological approach B Philipsen, J Tondeur, B Pynoo, S Vanslambrouck, C Zhu Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 35 (5), 46-59, 2019 | 68 | 2019 |
Investigating the relationship between success factors and student participation in online and blended learning in adult education Y Blieck, K Kauwenberghs, C Zhu, K Struyven, B Pynoo, K DePryck Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 35 (4), 476-490, 2019 | 46 | 2019 |
Time for action! ICT integration in formal education: Key findings from a region-wide follow-up monitor K Goeman, J Elen, B Pynoo, J van Braak TechTrends 59, 40-50, 2015 | 46 | 2015 |
Consensus among stakeholders about success factors and indicators for quality of online and blended learning in adult education: a Delphi study Y Blieck, I Ooghe, C Zhu, K Depryck, K Struyven, B Pynoo, H Van Laer Studies in Continuing Education 41 (1), 36-60, 2019 | 44 | 2019 |
Evaluating professional development for blended learning in higher education: a synthesis of qualitative evidence A Garone, B Bruggeman, B Philipsen, B Pynoo, J Tondeur, K Struyven Education and Information Technologies 27 (6), 7599-7628, 2022 | 40 | 2022 |
Assessing hospital physicians' acceptance of clinical information systems: A review of the relevant literature B Pynoo, P Devolder, T Voet, B Sijnave, P Gemmel, W Duyck, ... Psychologica Belgica 53 (2), 2013 | 35 | 2013 |
Framework for user acceptance: Clustering for fine-grained results P Devolder, B Pynoo, B Sijnave, T Voet, P Duyck Information & Management 49 (5), 233-239, 2012 | 31 | 2012 |
Negotiating teacher educators' beliefs about blended learning: Using stimulated recall to explore design choices B Bruggeman, K Hidding, K Struyven, B Pynoo, A Garone, J Tondeur Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 38 (2), 98-112, 2022 | 29 | 2022 |