Disentangling the meanings of diversity and inclusion in organizations QM Roberson Group & organization management 31 (2), 212-236, 2006 | 1650 | 2006 |
Why managers should care about fairness: The effects of aggregate justice perceptions on organizational outcomes. T Simons, Q Roberson Journal of applied psychology 88 (3), 432, 2003 | 879 | 2003 |
Diversity in the workplace: A review, synthesis, and future research agenda QM Roberson Annual review of organizational psychology and organizational behavior 6 (1 …, 2019 | 523 | 2019 |
A tale of two job markets: Organizational size and its effects on hiring practices and job search behavior AE Barber, MJ Wesson, QM Roberson, MS Taylor Personnel psychology 52 (4), 841-868, 1999 | 500 | 1999 |
Examining the link between diversity and firm performance: The effects of diversity reputation and leader racial diversity QM Roberson, HJ Park Group & Organization Management 32 (5), 548-568, 2007 | 495 | 2007 |
The effects of recruitment message specificity on applicant attraction to organizations QM Roberson, CJ Collins, S Oreg Journal of Business and Psychology 19, 319-339, 2005 | 383 | 2005 |
Shared and configural justice: A social network model of justice in teams QM Roberson, JA Colquitt Academy of Management Review 30 (3), 595-607, 2005 | 370 | 2005 |
The evolution and future of diversity at work. Q Roberson, AM Ryan, BR Ragins Journal of applied psychology 102 (3), 483, 2017 | 345 | 2017 |
Inclusive leadership in thought and action: A thematic analysis Q Roberson, JL Perry Group & Organization Management 47 (4), 755-778, 2022 | 264 | 2022 |
Making sense of diversity in the workplace: Organizational justice and language abstraction in employees' accounts of diversity-related incidents. QM Roberson, CK Stevens Journal of Applied Psychology 91 (2), 379, 2006 | 232 | 2006 |
Justice in teams: The activation and role of sensemaking in the emergence of justice climates QM Roberson Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 100 (2), 177-192, 2006 | 214 | 2006 |
Transforming research on diversity and firm performance: A dynamic capabilities perspective Q Roberson, O Holmes IV, JL Perry Academy of Management Annals 11 (1), 189-216, 2017 | 213 | 2017 |
Understanding the motivational effects of procedural and informational justice in feedback processes QM Roberson, MM Stewart British journal of Psychology 97 (3), 281-298, 2006 | 202 | 2006 |
Does the measure of dispersion matter in multilevel research? A comparison of the relative performance of dispersion indexes QM Roberson, MC Sturman, TL Simons Organizational Research Methods 10 (4), 564-588, 2007 | 201 | 2007 |
Justice as a dynamic construct: effects of individual trajectories on distal work outcomes. JP Hausknecht, MC Sturman, QM Roberson Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (4), 872, 2011 | 184 | 2011 |
Identifying a missing link between participation and satisfaction: The mediating role of procedural justice perceptions. QM Roberson, NA Moye, EA Locke Journal of applied psychology 84 (4), 585, 1999 | 181 | 1999 |
Justice in self-managing teams: The role of social networks in the emergence of procedural justice climates QM Roberson, IO Williamson Academy of Management Journal 55 (3), 685-701, 2012 | 141 | 2012 |
Justice in teams: A review of fairness effects in collective contexts JA Colquitt, CP Zapata-Phelan, QM Roberson Research in personnel and human resources management, 53-94, 2005 | 121 | 2005 |
The Oxford handbook of diversity and work QM Roberson OUP USA, 2013 | 120 | 2013 |
The importance of the individual in an age of groupism EA Locke, D Tirnauer, Q Roberson, B Goldman, ME Latham, E Weldon Groups at work, 515-542, 2014 | 95 | 2014 |