Romanovski polynomials in selected physics problems AP Raposo, HJ Weber, DE Alvarez-Castillo, M Kirchbach Central European journal of physics 5, 253-284, 2007 | 134 | 2007 |
The Axial exchange charge operator and the nucleon-nucleon interaction M Kirchbach, DO Riska, K Tsushima Nuclear Physics A 542 (4), 616-630, 1992 | 103 | 1992 |
The trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential in the supersymmetric quantum mechanics and its exact solutions CB Compean, M Kirchbach Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (3), 547, 2005 | 99 | 2005 |
Exact spectrum and wave functions of the hyperbolic Scarf potential in terms of finite Romanovski polynomials DE Alvarez-Castillo, M Kirchbach Revista mexicana de física E 53 (2), 143-154, 2007 | 92 | 2007 |
Spin-beyond the Rarita-Schwinger framework M Napsuciale, M Kirchbach, S Rodriguez The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 29 (3), 289-306, 2006 | 70 | 2006 |
On the parity degeneracy of baryons M Kirchbach Modern Physics Letters A 12 (31), 2373-2386, 1997 | 60 | 1997 |
Spacetime structure of massive gravitino M Kirchbach, DV Ahluwalia Physics Letters B 529 (1-2), 124-131, 2002 | 59 | 2002 |
On the coupling of the η meson to the nucleon M Kirchbach, L Tiator Nuclear Physics A 604 (4), 385-394, 1996 | 54 | 1996 |
Trigonometric quark confinement potential of QCD traits CB Compean, M Kirchbach The European Physical Journal A 33, 1-4, 2007 | 49 | 2007 |
Baryons in O (4) and the vibron model M Kirchbach, M Moshinsky, YF Smirnov Physical Review D 64 (11), 114005, 2001 | 45 | 2001 |
(1/2, 1/2) REPRESENTATION SPACE — AN ab initio CONSTRUCT DV Ahluwalia, M Kirchbach Modern Physics Letters A 16 (21), 1377-1383, 2001 | 45 | 2001 |
Structure of high-spin states in 143Pm H Prade, L Käubler, U Hagemann, HU Jäger, M Kirchbach, L Schneider, ... Nuclear Physics A 333 (1), 33-66, 1980 | 44 | 1980 |
The Effective induced pseudoscalar coupling constant M Kirchbach, DO Riska Nuclear Physics A 578 (3-4), 511-524, 1994 | 41 | 1994 |
Lorentz multiplet structure of baryon spectra and relativistic description M Kirchbach Modern Physics Letters A 12 (40), 3177-3188, 1997 | 38 | 1997 |
In-medium chiral perturbation theory and pion weak decay in the presence of background matter M Kirchbach, A Wirzba Nuclear Physics A 616 (3-4), 648-658, 1997 | 36 | 1997 |
The 1ħω spectra of nuclei with a nearly half-filled 1p shell HU Jäger, M Kirchbach Nuclear Physics A 291 (1), 52-62, 1977 | 32 | 1977 |
Classifying reported and" missing" resonances according to their P and C properties M Kirchbach International Journal of Modern Physics A 15 (10), 1435-1451, 2000 | 30 | 2000 |
Beta decays with momentum space Majorana spinors M Kirchbach, C Compean, L Noriega The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 22 (1), 149-155, 2004 | 28 | 2004 |
PRIMORDIAL SPACETIME FOAM AS AN ORIGIN OF COSMOLOGICAL MATTER–ANTIMATTER ASYMMETRY DV Ahluwalia, M Kirchbach International Journal of Modern Physics D 10 (06), 811-823, 2001 | 28 | 2001 |
Pion electroproduction in the 3He (e, é π+) 3H reaction at intermediate energies KI Blomqvist, WU Boeglin, R Böhm, M Distler, R Edelhoff, J Friedrich, ... Nuclear Physics A 626 (4), 871-885, 1997 | 28 | 1997 |