Positioning: The discursive production of selves B Davies, R Harré Journal for the theory of social behaviour 20 (1), 43-63, 1990 | 10003 | 1990 |
Positioning theory: Moral contexts of international action LVL Rom Harré Blackwell Publishing, 1999 | 4008* | 1999 |
The explanation of social behaviour. R Harré, PF Secord Rowman & Littlefield, 1972 | 3654 | 1972 |
The discursive mind R Harré, G Gillett Sage, 1994 | 3310 | 1994 |
The Social Construction of Emotions R Harré Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986 | 3056* | 1986 |
Personal being: A theory for individual psychology R Harré Blackwell, 1983 | 2905 | 1983 |
Social being R Harré (No Title), 1993 | 2618 | 1993 |
Die Fabrikation von Erkenntnis: Zur Anthropologie der Naturwissenschaft K Knorr-Cetina Suhrkamp, 1984 | 1945 | 1984 |
Causal powers: A theory of natural necessity EHM Rom Harré | 1782 | 1975 |
Introducing positioning theory L Van Langenhove, R Harré Positioning theory: Moral contexts of intentional action, 14-31, 1999 | 1665 | 1999 |
Varieties of positioning. R Harré, L Van Langenhove Journal for the theory of social behaviour, 1991 | 1462 | 1991 |
The principles of scientific thinking NA NA Springer, 2016 | 1411 | 2016 |
The philosophies of science R Harré | 1358 | 1985 |
Pronouns and people: The linguistic construction of social and personal identity P Mühlhäusler, R Harré (No Title), 1990 | 1338* | 1990 |
Varieties of realism: A rationale for the natural sciences R Harré | 1237 | 1986 |
Recent advances in positioning theory R Harré, FM Moghaddam, TP Cairnie, D Rothbart, SR Sabat Theory & psychology 19 (1), 5-31, 2009 | 1221 | 2009 |
The self and others: Positioning individuals and groups in personal, political, and cultural contexts R Harré, FM Moghaddam Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2003 | 1206* | 2003 |
Positioning and personhood B Davies, R Harré Positioning theory: Moral contexts of intentional action, 32-52, 1999 | 1193 | 1999 |
The singular self: An introduction to the psychology of personhood R Harré Sage, 1997 | 1127 | 1997 |
The rules of disorder P Marsh, E Rosser, R Harré Routledge, 2005 | 1125 | 2005 |