עקוב אחר
Gordon Hastie
Gordon Hastie
Sea Mammal Research Unit
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין st-andrews.ac.uk
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Functional mechanisms underlying cetacean distribution patterns: hotspots for bottlenose dolphins are linked to foraging
GD Hastie, BEN Wilson, LJ Wilson, KM Parsons, PM Thompson
Marine Biology 144, 397-403, 2004
Bottlenose dolphins increase breathing synchrony in response to boat traffic
GD Hastie, B Wilson, LH Tufft, PM Thompson
Marine Mammal Science 19 (1), 74-084, 2003
Marine mammals trace anthropogenic structures at sea
DJF Russell, SMJM Brasseur, D Thompson, GD Hastie, VM Janik, G Aarts, ...
Current Biology 24 (14), R638-R639, 2014
Modelling the biological significance of behavioural change in coastal bottlenose dolphins in response to disturbance
LF New, J Harwood, L Thomas, C Donovan, JS Clark, G Hastie, ...
Functional Ecology 27 (2), 314-322, 2013
Avoidance of wind farms by harbour seals is limited to pile driving activities
DJF Russell, GD Hastie, D Thompson, VM Janik, PS Hammond, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (6), 1642-1652, 2016
Fine-scale habitat selection by coastal bottlenose dolphins: application of a new land-based video-montage technique
GD Hastie, B Wilson, PM Thompson
Canadian Journal of Zoology 81 (3), 469-478, 2003
Confusion reigns? A review of marine megafauna interactions with tidal-stream environments
S Benjamins, AC Dale, G Hastie, JJ Waggitt, MA Lea, B Scott, B Wilson
Oceanography and marine biology: An annual review 53 (53), 1-54, 2015
Framework for assessing impacts of pile-driving noise from offshore wind farm construction on a harbour seal population
PM Thompson, GD Hastie, J Nedwell, R Barham, KL Brookes, LS Cordes, ...
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 43, 73-85, 2013
Overview of the impacts of anthropogenic underwater sound in the marine environment
T Götz, G Hastie, LT Hatch, O Raustein, BL Southall, M Tasker, ...
OSPAR Biodiversity Series 441, 1-134, 2009
Vessel noise affects beaked whale behavior: results of a dedicated acoustic response study
E Pirotta, R Milor, N Quick, D Moretti, N Di Marzio, P Tyack, I Boyd, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e42535, 2012
Geographical variation in temporal and spatial vocalization patterns of male harbour seals in the mating season
SM Van Parijs, GD Hastie, PM Thompson
Animal Behaviour 58 (6), 1231-1239, 1999
Environmental models for predicting oceanic dolphin habitat in the Northeast Atlantic
GD Hastie, RJ Swift, G Slesser, PM Thompson, WR Turrell
ICES journal of Marine Science 62 (4), 760-770, 2005
A review of the UK and British Channel Islands practical tidal stream energy resource
D Coles, A Angeloudis, D Greaves, G Hastie, M Lewis, L Mackie, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477 (2255), 20210469, 2021
Repeated call types in short‐finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus
L Sayigh, N Quick, G Hastie, P Tyack
Marine Mammal Science 29 (2), 312-324, 2013
Individual and geographical variation in display behaviour of male harbour seals in Scotland
SM Van Parijs, GD Hastie, PM Thompson
Animal Behaviour 59 (3), 559-568, 2000
Harbour seals avoid tidal turbine noise: Implications for collision risk
GD Hastie, DJF Russell, P Lepper, J Elliott, B Wilson, S Benjamins, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (2), 684-693, 2018
Sound exposure in harbour seals during the installation of an offshore wind farm: predictions of auditory damage
GD Hastie, DJF Russell, B McConnell, S Moss, D Thompson, VM Janik
Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (3), 631-640, 2015
Diving deep in a foraging hotspot: acoustic insights into bottlenose dolphin dive depths and feeding behaviour
GD Hastie, B Wilson, PM Thompson
Marine Biology 148, 1181-1188, 2006
Distribution of small cetaceans within a candidate Special Area of Conservation; implications for management
GD Hastie, TR Barton, K Grellier, PS Hammond, RJ Swift, PM Thompson, ...
J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 5 (3), 261-266, 2003
Harbour porpoise distribution can vary at small spatiotemporal scales in energetic habitats
S Benjamins, N van Geel, G Hastie, J Elliott, B Wilson
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 141, 191-202, 2017
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