Water-saturated and-undersaturated melting of metaluminous and peraluminous crustal compositions at 10 kb: evidence for the origin of silicic magmas in the Taupo Volcanic Zone … WK CONRAD, IA Nicholls, VJ Wall Journal of Petrology 29 (4), 765-803, 1988 | 466 | 1988 |
Effect of water on olivine stability in tholeiites and the production of silica-saturated magmas in the island-arc environment IA Nicholls, AE Ringwood The Journal of Geology 81 (3), 285-300, 1973 | 447 | 1973 |
Spatial variations in the geochemistry of Quaternary lavas across the Sunda arc in Java and Bali DJ Whitford, IA Nicholls, SR Taylor Contributions to mineralogy and petrology 70, 341-356, 1979 | 312 | 1979 |
Igneous and metamorphic enclaves in the S-type Deddick granodiorite, Lachlan Fold Belt, SE Australia: petrographic, geochemical and Nd-Sr isotopic evidence for crustal melting … R Maas, IA Nicholls, C Legg Journal of Petrology 38 (7), 815-841, 1997 | 279 | 1997 |
Experimental rare earth element partition coefficients for garnet, clinopyroxene and amphibole coexisting with andesitic and basaltic liquids IA Nicholls, KL Harris Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 44 (2), 287-308, 1980 | 271 | 1980 |
Plate and intraplate processes of Hercynian Europe during the Late Paleozoic V Lorenz, IA Nicholls Tectonophysics 107 (1-2), 25-56, 1984 | 223 | 1984 |
Experimental demonstration of the existence of peridotitic liquids in earliest Archean magmatism DH Green, IA Nicholls, M Viljoen, R Viljoen Geology 3 (1), 11-14, 1975 | 206 | 1975 |
Fingerprinting feldspar phenocrysts using crystal isotopic composition stratigraphy: implications for crystal transfer and magma mingling in S-type granites TE Waight, R Maas, IA Nicholls Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 139 (2), 227-239, 2000 | 168 | 2000 |
Petrology of Santorini volcano, cyclades, Greece IA Nicholls Journal of Petrology 12 (1), 67-119, 1971 | 167 | 1971 |
Geochemistry of Heard Island (southern Indian Ocean): Characterization of an enriched mantle component and implications for enrichment of the sub-Indian Ocean mantle J BARLING, SL GOLDSTEIN, IANA NICHOLLS Journal of Petrology 35 (4), 1017-1053, 1994 | 154 | 1994 |
Liquids in equilibrium with peridotitic mineral assemblages at high water pressures IA Nicholls Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 45 (4), 289-316, 1974 | 144 | 1974 |
Geochemical investigations of microgranitoid enclaves in the S-type Cowra Granodiorite, Lachlan Fold Belt, SE Australia TE Waight, R Maas, IA Nicholls Lithos 56 (2-3), 165-186, 2001 | 116 | 2001 |
The permocarboniferous basin and range province of Europe. An application op plate tectonics V Lorenz, IA Nicholls The Continental Permain in Central, West, and South Europe: Proceedings of …, 1976 | 116 | 1976 |
Production of silica-saturated tholeiitic magmas in island arcs IA Nicholls, AE Ringwood Earth and Planetary Science Letters 17 (1), 243-246, 1972 | 111 | 1972 |
The influence of oxidation state on the electrical conductivity of olivine A Duba, IA Nicholls Earth and Planetary Science Letters 18 (1), 59-64, 1973 | 108 | 1973 |
A direct fusion method of preparing silicate rock glasses for energy-dispersive electron microprobe analysis IA Nicholls Chemical Geology 14 (3), 151-157, 1974 | 103 | 1974 |
Chemical modification of enclave magma by post-emplacement crystal fractionation, diffusion and metasomatism GW Eberz, IA Nicholls Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 104 (1), 47-55, 1990 | 98 | 1990 |
Geochemistry of late Cenozoic lavas from eastern Indonesia: Role of subducted sediments in petrogenesis DJ Whitford, W Compston, IA Nicholls, MJ Abbott Geology 5 (9), 571-575, 1977 | 95 | 1977 |
Multistage evolution of Australian subcontinental mantle: Re-Os isotopic constraints from Victorian mantle xenoliths JS McBride, DD Lambert, A Greig, IA Nicholls Geology 24 (7), 631-634, 1996 | 85 | 1996 |
A possible mantle origin for andesitic magmas: Discussion of a paper by Nicholls and Ringwood BO Mysen, I Kushiro, IA Nicholls, AE Ringwood Earth and Planetary Science Letters 21 (3), 221-229, 1974 | 82 | 1974 |