עקוב אחר
Michael Kirkpatrick
Michael Kirkpatrick
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין sydney.edu.au
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
The impact of humidity above stratiform clouds on indirect aerosol climate forcing
AS Ackerman, MP Kirkpatrick, DE Stevens, OB Toon
Nature 432 (7020), 1014-1017, 2004
Evaluation of large-eddy simulations via observations of nocturnal marine stratocumulus
B Stevens, CH Moeng, AS Ackerman, CS Bretherton, A Chlond, ...
Monthly weather review 133 (6), 1443-1462, 2005
A representation of curved boundaries for the solution of the Navier–Stokes equations on a staggered three-dimensional Cartesian grid
MP Kirkpatrick, SW Armfield, JH Kent
Journal of Computational Physics 184 (1), 1-36, 2003
Large eddy simulation of a propagating turbulent premixed flame
MP Kirkpatrick, SW Armfield, AR Masri, SS Ibrahim
Flow, turbulence and combustion 70, 1-19, 2003
Study of jet precession, recirculation and vortex breakdown in turbulent swirling jets using LES
KKJR Dinesh, MP Kirkpatrick
Computers & Fluids 38 (6), 1232-1242, 2009
Conjugate natural convection heat transfer in a partitioned differentially-heated square cavity
M Khatamifar, W Lin, SW Armfield, D Holmes, MP Kirkpatrick
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 81, 92-103, 2017
Study of near-surface models for large-eddy simulations of a neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary layer
I Senocak, AS Ackerman, MP Kirkpatrick, DE Stevens, NN Mansour
Boundary-layer meteorology 124, 405-424, 2007
Large eddy simulation of isothermal turbulent swirling jets
W Malalasekera, KKJ Ranga Dinesh, SS Ibrahim, MP Kirkpatrick
Combustion Science and Technology 179 (8), 1481-1525, 2007
A large eddy simulation code for industrial and environmental flows
MP Kirkpatrick
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, Faculty of …, 2002
On the application of the dynamic Smagorinsky model to large-eddy simulations of the cloud-topped atmospheric boundary layer
MP Kirkpatrick, AS Ackerman, DE Stevens, NN Mansour
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 63 (2), 526-546, 2006
Burning syngas in a high swirl burner: Effects of fuel composition
KKJR Dinesh, KH Luo, MP Kirkpatrick, W Malalasekera
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (21), 9028-9042, 2013
Investigation of the influence of swirl on a confined coannular swirl jet
KKJR Dinesh, MP Kirkpatrick, KW Jenkins
Computers & Fluids 39 (5), 756-767, 2010
Experimental and numerical investigation of unsteady behaviour in the near-field of pure thermal planar plumes
T Hattori, N Bartos, SE Norris, MP Kirkpatrick, SW Armfield
Experimental thermal and fluid science 46, 139-150, 2013
Combustion characteristics of H2/N2 and H2/CO syngas nonpremixed flames
KKJR Dinesh, X Jiang, MP Kirkpatrick, W Malalasekera
International journal of hydrogen energy 37 (21), 16186-16200, 2012
Experimental and large eddy simulation results for the purging of salt water from a cavity by an overflow of fresh water
MP Kirkpatrick, SW Armfield
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2), 341-359, 2005
Experimental investigation into turbulent negatively buoyant jets using combined PIV and PLIF measurements
L Milton-McGurk, N Williamson, SW Armfield, MP Kirkpatrick
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 82, 108561, 2020
Modelling of instabilities in turbulent swirling flames
KKJR Dinesh, KW Jenkins, MP Kirkpatrick, W Malalasekera
Fuel 89 (1), 10-18, 2010
Numerical and experimental studies of the flow field in a cyclone dryer
P Bunyawanichakul, MP Kirkpatrick, JE Sargison, GJ Walker
Transition to stably stratified states in open channel flow with radiative surface heating
N Williamson, SW Armfield, MP Kirkpatrick, SE Norris
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 766, 528-555, 2015
Prandtl number dependence and instability mechanism of the near-field flow in a planar thermal plume
T Hattori, SE Norris, MP Kirkpatrick, SW Armfield
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 732, 105-127, 2013
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