Optimal control RB Vinter, RB Vinter Birkhäuser 2 (1), 2010 | 1654 | 2010 |
Stochastic modelling and control M Davis Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 519 | 2013 |
Measurement placement in distribution system state estimation R Singh, BC Pal, RB Vinter IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 24 (2), 668-675, 2009 | 319 | 2009 |
Regularity properties of solutions to the basic problem in the calculus of variations FH Clarke, RB Vinter Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 289 (1), 73-98, 1985 | 248 | 1985 |
The infinite time quadratic control problem for linear systems with state and control delays: an evolution equation approach RB Vinter, RH Kwong SIAM Journal on Control and optimization 19 (1), 139-153, 1981 | 242 | 1981 |
Necessary conditions for optimal impulsive control problems GN Silva, RB Vinter SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 35 (6), 1829-1846, 1997 | 200 | 1997 |
A maximum principle for optimal processes with discontinuous trajectories RB Vinter, F Pereira SIAM journal on control and optimization 26 (1), 205-229, 1988 | 188 | 1988 |
Optimal multiprocesses FH Clarke, RB Vinter SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 27 (5), 1072-1091, 1989 | 172 | 1989 |
The relationship between the maximum principle and dynamic programming FH Clarke, RB Vinter SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 25 (5), 1291-1311, 1987 | 168 | 1987 |
Meter placement for distribution system state estimation: An ordinal optimization approach R Singh, BC Pal, RA Jabr, RB Vinter IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (4), 2328-2335, 2011 | 160 | 2011 |
Measure driven differential inclusions GN Silva, RB Vinter Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 202 (3), 727-746, 1996 | 151 | 1996 |
Convex duality and nonlinear optimal control R Vinter SIAM journal on control and optimization 31 (2), 518-538, 1993 | 145 | 1993 |
Applications of optimal multiprocesses FH Clarke, RB Vinter SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 27 (5), 1048-1071, 1989 | 125 | 1989 |
Existence of neighboring feasible trajectories: applications to dynamic programming for state-constrained optimal control problems H Frankowska, RB Vinter Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 104, 20-40, 2000 | 109 | 2000 |
When is the maximum principle for state constrained problems nondegenerate? MMA Ferreira, RB Vinter Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 187 (2), 438-467, 1994 | 107 | 1994 |
Shifted Rayleigh filter: A new algorithm for bearings-only tracking JMC Clark, RB Vinter, MM Yaqoob IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 43 (4), 1373-1384, 2007 | 94 | 2007 |
Degenerate optimal control problems with state constraints F Rampazzo, R Vinter SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 39 (4), 989-1007, 2000 | 94 | 2000 |
A maximum principle for nonsmooth optimal-control problems with state constraints RB Vinter, G Pappas Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 89 (1), 212-232, 1982 | 92 | 1982 |
A theorem on existence of neighbouring trajectories satisfying a state constraint, with applications to optimal control F Rampazzo, RB Vinter IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 16 (4), 335-351, 1999 | 91 | 1999 |
Necessary conditions for optimal control problems involving nonlinear differential algebraic equations MR de Pinho, RB Vinter Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 212 (2), 493-516, 1997 | 86 | 1997 |