Sunu Widianto
Role of pharmacists in the interprofessional care team for patients with chronic diseases
SA Rahayu, S Widianto, IR Defi, R Abdulah
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 1701-1710, 2021
Relationship of consumer involvement, credibility of the source of information and consumer satisfaction on purchase decision of non-prescription drugs
AP Kautsar, S Widianto, R Abdulah, H Amalia
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 65, 449-454, 2012
Dynamic managerial capabilities, organisational capacity for change and organisational performance: the moderating effect of attitude towards change in a public service …
S Widianto, YD Lestari, BE Adna, BM Sukoco, M Nasih
Journal of organizational effectiveness: people and performance 8 (1), 149-172, 2021
The impact of transformational leadership and organizational culture on firm performance in Indonesia SMEs
S Widianto, B Harsanto
The Palgrave handbook of leadership in transforming Asia, 503-517, 2017
The effect of job embeddedness on work engagement and innovative behavior
S Widianto, R Abdullah, A Kautsar, S Meiyanti
Available at SSRN 2180736, 2012
Digital readiness of SMEs: An Insight from Indonesia
KK Rafiah, S Widianto, I Kamal, A Shofiana, AM Fajar, AA Rudini
AFEBI Management and Business Review 7 (1), 12-26, 2022
Empowering leadership to performance excellence: the role of knowledge sharing and self-efficacy
S Widianto
International Journal of Business Excellence 23 (3), 297-311, 2021
Dampak Self Efficacy terhadap Perilaku Inovasi Apoteker di Rumah Sakit
SM Wahyuningrum, S Widianto, R Abdulah
Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia 1 (2), 49-55, 2012
Transformational leadership, service climate, psychological capital and job performance/engagement
S Widianto, CPM Wilderom
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 10318, 2017
Empowering leadership and behavioural support for change: the moderating role of a diverse climate
BM Sukoco, Z Choirunnisa, MF Mudzakkir, E Susanto, RA Nasution, ...
International Journal of Educational Management 36 (3), 296-310, 2022
Exploring electric vehicle adoption in Indonesia using zero-shot aspect-based sentiment analysis
SA Nugroho, S Widianto
Sustainable Operations and Computers 5, 191-205, 2024
Hubungan Sikap, Persepsi, dan Hambatan terhadap Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
AP Kautsar, N Melly, S Widianto
Farmaka 14 (2), 58-72, 2016
Follower psychological need satisfaction as a mediator between leader and follower use of emotions and follower job performance
S Widianto, CPM Wilderom
Journal of Asia Business Studies 16 (1), 121-136, 2022
Pro-environmental behaviour of healthcare professionals: A study applying theory of planned behaviour
S Widianto, AP Kautsar, Sriwidodo, R Abdulah, R Ramadhina
International Journal of Business and Globalisation 28 (3), 219-232, 2021
Peran Employee Engagement sebagai Mediasi Budaya Organisasi Karyawan Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit
IL Hilmi, RA Supriyatna, S Widianto
Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia 2 (1), 1-7, 2013
Underlying factors national entrepreneurial activity: A cross-country study
S Widianto
Canadian Council for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference, Mount …, 2010
Followers’ PsyCap and job performance: A longitudinal COR approach to transformational leadership as a key resource
S Widianto, CPM Wilderom
SAGE Open 13 (3), 21582440231201702, 2023
The role of cynicism in follower championing behavior: the moderating effect of empowering leadership
BM Sukoco, RS Snell, E Susanto, S Widianto, RA Nasution, AM Fauzi
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 43 (5), 669-688, 2022
Role of pharmacists in the Interprofessional care team for patients with chronic diseases. J Multidiscip Healthc. 2021; 14: 1701–10
SA Rahayu, S Widianto, IR Defi, R Abdulah
Dynamic managerial capability, trust in leadership and performance: the role of cynicism toward change
YD Lestari, FND Nadia, BM Sukoco, D Ahlstrom, S Widianto, E Susanto, ...
International Journal of Leadership in Education 27 (6), 1420-1450, 2024
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