Li Xiao
Li Xiao
確認したメール アドレス: cse.msu.edu
The evolution of MAC protocols in wireless sensor networks: A survey
P Huang, L Xiao, S Soltani, MW Mutka, N Xi
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 15 (1), 101-120, 2012
Location-aware topology matching in P2P systems
Y Liu, X Liu, L Xiao, LM Ni, X Zhang
IEEE INFOCOM 2004 4, 2220-2230, 2004
A static-node assisted adaptive routing protocol in vehicular networks
Y Ding, C Wang, L Xiao
Proceedings of the fourth ACM international workshop on Vehicular ad hoc …, 2007
Location awareness in unstructured peer-to-peer systems
Y Liu, L Xiao, X Liu, LM Ni, X Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 16 (2), 163-174, 2005
MSU jumper: A single-motor-actuated miniature steerable jumping robot
J Zhao, J Xu, B Gao, N Xi, FJ Cintron, MW Mutka, L Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 29 (3), 602-614, 2013
SADV: Static-node-assisted adaptive data dissemination in vehicular networks
Y Ding, L Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (5), 2445-2455, 2010
Efficient multicast algorithms for multichannel wireless mesh networks
G Zeng, B Wang, Y Ding, L Xiao, M Mutka
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 21 (1), 86-99, 2009
Multicast algorithms for multi-channel wireless mesh networks
G Zeng, B Wang, Y Ding, L Xiao, M Mutka
2007 IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 1-10, 2007
A distributed approach to solving overlay mismatching problem
Y Liu, Z Zhuang, L Xiao, LM Ni
24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 2004 …, 2004
Building a scalable bipartite P2P overlay network
Y Liu, L Xiao, L Ni
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and distributed systems 18 (9), 1296-1306, 2007
Improving distributed workload performance by sharing both CPU and memory resources
X Zhang, Y Qu, L Xiao
Proceedings 20th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing …, 2000
Improving unstructured peer-to-peer systems by adaptive connection establishment
L Xiao, Y Liu, LM Ni
IEEE Transactions on Computers 54 (9), 1091-1103, 2005
Dynamic layer management in superpeer architectures
L Xiao, Z Zhuang, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems 16 (11), 1078-1091, 2005
MSU tailbot: Controlling aerial maneuver of a miniature-tailed jumping robot
J Zhao, T Zhao, N Xi, MW Mutka, L Xiao
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 20 (6), 2903-2914, 2015
Using partially overlapping channels to improve throughput in wireless mesh networks
Y Ding, Y Huang, G Zeng, L Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 11 (11), 1720-1733, 2011
Distributed caching and adaptive search in multilayer P2P networks
C Wang, L Xiao, Y Liu, P Zheng
24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 2004 …, 2004
Dynamic cluster resource allocations for jobs with known and unknown memory demands
L Xiao, S Chen, X Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 13 (3), 223-240, 2002
Sensor localization under limited measurement capabilities
C Wang, L Xiao
IEEE Network 21 (3), 16-23, 2007
NELoRa: Towards ultra-low SNR LoRa communication with neural-enhanced demodulation
C Li, H Guo, S Tong, X Zeng, Z Cao, M Zhang, Q Yan, L Xiao, J Wang, ...
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems …, 2021
Optimizing overlay topology by reducing cut vertices
X Liu, L Xiao, A Kreling, Y Liu
Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Network and operating …, 2006
論文 1–20