Musdalifah Azis
Musdalifah Azis
確認したメール アドレス: feb.unmul.ac.id
Manajemen Investasi
M Azis
https://www.slideshare.net/musdalifah/manajemen-investasi, 2013
Manajemen Risiko
M Azis
https://www.slideshare.net/musdalifah/manajemen-risiko1, 2013
Pengaruh inflasi dan suku bunga dan nilai tukar rupiah serta jumlah uang beredar terhadap return saham
LR Hidayat, D Setyadi, M Azis
FORUM EKONOMI: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi 19 (2), 148-154, 2017
Independence in learning, education management, and industry 4.0: habitat Indonesia during COVID-19
Z Ilmi, DC Darma, M Azis
Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education 4 (4), 63-66, 2020
Manajemen Investasi Fundamental
M Azis, S Mintarti, M Nadir
Teknikal, Perilaku Investor Dan Return Saham, Ed 1, 2015
Spurring economic growth in terms of happiness, human development, competitiveness and global innovation: The ASEAN case
ZZ Saida, A Siti, DD Caisar, A Musdalifah
ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development 38 (1), 1-6, 2021
Pengaruh budaya organisasi, pengembangan karier dan self efficacy terhadap kinerja karyawan
J Fauziah, J Pongtuluran, M Aziz
Jurnal manajemen 8 (1), 43-54, 2016
Pengaruh Inflasi dan Suku Bunga dan Nilai Tukar Rupiah serta Jumlah Uang Beredar terhadap Return Saham. Forum Ekonomi, 19 (2), 148
LR Hidayat, D Setyadi, M Azis
Ivana.(2021). The influence of leadership style on knowledge transfer and organizational culture for improving employee performance
G Nellyanti, M Azis, A Asrijal, Y Yusriadi, R Kurniawan
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2016
Analisis perbandingan kinerja keuangan bank melalui pendekatan likuiditas solvabilitas dan rentabilitas
IN Ihsan, Y Ulfah, M Azis
Jurnal Manajemen 9 (1), 24-30, 2017
The Treynor-Mazuy Conditional model: Overview of market timing and stock selection on equity mutual funds performance
M Azis, R Iskandar, LD Ariswati, IM Surya, N Sudirman, DC Darma
Economic Alternatives 2, 252-263, 2022
The effect of leadership on public service quality
J Nurung, H Tamsah, M Azis
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (1), 012070, 2020
‘Monte Carlo’Simulation Predicting on the Movement of Investments–During the Covid Pandemic in Indonesia
M Azis, Z Ilmi, YP Hakim, M Qodri, DC Darma
JDM (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen) 12 (2), 262-274, 2021
Vaic mediated by financial performance and gcg increase stock prices
R Iskandar, M Azis, N Rahmat
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 8 (12), 164-168, 2019
Determinant of Stock Return with Inflation as a Moderating Variable
MA Rizky Zakariyya Rasyad, Rusdiah Iskandar
Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies 5 (6), 8, 2020
Influence of inflation and interest rate and rupiah exchange rate and money supply to stock return
LR Hidayat, D Setyadi, M Azis, S Bunga, T Inflasi, TS Bunga
Economic Forum 19 (2), 148-154, 2017
The antecedents of financial performance and their implications for firm value in mining sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
MAY Abbas, D Setyadi, A Paminto, M Azis
Journal of Law and Sustainable Development 11 (9), e991-e991, 2023
Analisis kinerja portofolio reksadana dengan metode rasio sharpe dan non risk premium
M Azis, I Purnamasari
Prosiding SNMEB (Seminar Nasional Manajemen dan Ekonomi Bisnis), 2018
Investment management: Fundamental, technical, investor behavior and stock returns
M Azis, S Mintarti, M Nadir
Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2015
Capital Market Reaction in Indonesia Stock Exchange to Stock Split Events Reviewed From Abnormal Returns, Trading Volume and Bid-Ask Spreads in Growing and Good Speaking Companies
MA Muhammad Nur Madani, Rusdiah Iskandar
Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, 428-437, 2020
論文 1–20