Peter Cook
Peter Cook
確認したメール アドレス: uwa.edu.au
The effect of external nutrient resources on the population dynamics of zooxanthellae in a reef coral
L Muscatine, PG Falkowski, Z Dubinsky, PA Cook, LR McCloskey
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. B. Biological Sciences 236 (1284 …, 1989
The role of bacteria in the digestion of seaweed by the abalone Haliotis midae
JH Erasmus, PA Cook, VE Coyne
Aquaculture 155 (1-4), 377-386, 1997
Loss of genetic variation at microsatellite loci in hatchery produced abalone in Australia (Haliotis rubra) and South Africa (Haliotis midae)
B Evans, J Bartlett, N Sweijd, P Cook, NG Elliott
Aquaculture 233 (1-4), 109-127, 2004
World abalone fisheries and aquaculture update: supply and market dynamics
HR Gordon, PA Cook
Journal of Shellfish Research 23 (4), 935-940, 2004
Recent trends in worldwide abalone production
PA Cook
Journal of Shellfish Research 35 (3), 581-583, 2016
Australian shellfish ecosystems: Past distribution, current status and future direction
CL Gillies, IM McLeod, HK Alleway, P Cook, C Crawford, C Creighton, ...
PLoS One 13 (2), e0190914, 2018
World abalone supply, markets, and pricing
PA Cook, HR Gordon
Journal of shellfish research 29 (3), 569-571, 2010
The potential threat of algal blooms to the abalone (Haliotis midae) mariculture industry situated around the South African coast
L Botes, AJ Smit, PA Cook
Harmful Algae 2 (4), 247-259, 2003
The worldwide abalone industry
PA Cook
Modern Economy 5 (13), 1181, 2014
Impacts of human activities on marine animal life in the Benguela: a historical overview
CL Griffiths, L Van Sittert, PB Best, AC Brown, BM Clark, PA Cook, ...
Oceanography and marine biology: an annual review 42, 303-392, 2004
Ammonia toxicity and its effect on the growth of the South African abalone Haliotis midae Linnaeus
K Reddy-Lopata, L Auerswald, P Cook
Aquaculture 261 (2), 678-687, 2006
Study on employment in rural areas
AK Copus, C Hall, A Barnes, G Dalton, P Cook, P Weingarten, S Baum, ...
Upper thermal tolerances of key taxonomic groups of stream invertebrates
BA Stewart, PG Close, PA Cook, PM Davies
Hydrobiologia 718 (1), 131-140, 2013
Population genetic structure of the perlemoen Haliotis midae in South Africa: evidence of range expansion and founder events
BS Evans, NA Sweijd, RCK Bowie, PA Cook, NG Elliott
Marine Ecology Progress Series 270, 163-172, 2004
Worldwide abalone production statistics
PA Cook
Journal of Shellfish Research 38 (2), 401-404, 2019
A PCR technique for forensic, species-level identification of abalone tissue.
NA Sweijd, RCK Bowie, AL Lopata, AM Marinaki, EH Harley, PA Cook
Journal of shellfish Research 17 (3), 889-895, 1998
World abalone supply, markets, and pricing: 2011 update
HR Gordon, PA Cook
Journal of Shellfish Research 32 (1), 5-7, 2013
Phylogenetic analysis of toxic Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) isolates from South Africa: implications for the global phylogeography of the Alexandrium tamarense species complex
C Ruiz Sebastian, SM Etheridge, PA Cook, C O'Ryan, GC Pitcher
Phycologia 44 (1), 49-60, 2005
Phylogenetic analysis of toxic Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) isolates from South Africa: implications for the global phylogeography of the Alexandrium tamarense species complex
CR Sebastián, SM Etheridge, PA Cook, C O'Ryan, GC Pitcher
Phycologia 44 (1), 49-60, 2005
World abalone supply, markets and pricing: historical, current and future.
HR Gordon, PA Cook
Journal of Shellfish Research 20 (2), 567-570, 2001
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