Tadashi Ito (伊藤忠)
Tadashi Ito (伊藤忠)
Three-dimensional motion analysis room, Aichi Prefectural Mikawa Aoitori Medical and Rehabilitation
確認したメール アドレス: mikawa-aoitori.jp
Combined prevalence of frailty and mild cognitive impairment in a population of elderly Japanese people
H Shimada, H Makizako, T Doi, D Yoshida, K Tsutsumimoto, Y Anan, ...
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 14 (7), 518-524, 2013
Using two different algorithms to determine the prevalence of sarcopenia
D Yoshida, T Suzuki, H Shimada, H Park, H Makizako, T Doi, Y Anan, ...
Geriatrics & gerontology international 14, 46-51, 2014
Performance-based assessments and demand for personal care in older Japanese people: a cross-sectional study
H Shimada, T Suzuki, M Suzukawa, H Makizako, T Doi, D Yoshida, ...
BMJ open 3 (4), e002424, 2013
Development of an equation for estimating appendicular skeletal muscle mass in J apanese older adults using bioelectrical impedance analysis
D Yoshida, H Shimada, H Park, Y Anan, T Ito, A Harada, T Suzuki
Geriatrics & Gerontology International 14 (4), 851-857, 2014
Effects of mild and global cognitive impairment on the prevalence of fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults
K Uemura, H Shimada, H Makizako, T Doi, K Tsutsumimoto, D Yoshida, ...
Maturitas 78 (1), 62-66, 2014
Relationship between the skeletal muscle mass index and physical activity of Japanese children: A cross-sectional, observational study
T Ito, H Sugiura, Y Ito, K Noritake, N Ochi
PLoS One 16 (5), e0251025, 2021
Effect of the COVID-19 emergency on physical function among school-aged children
T Ito, H Sugiura, Y Ito, K Noritake, N Ochi
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (18), 9620, 2021
Proprioceptive weighting ratio for balance control in static standing is reduced in elderly patients with non–specific low back pain
T Ito, Y Sakai, Y Morita, K Yamazaki, K Igarashi, R Nishio, N Sato
Spine 43 (24), 1704-1709, 2018
Association between gait deviation index and physical function in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional study
T Ito, K Noritake, H Sugiura, Y Kamiya, H Tomita, Y Ito, H Sugiura, N Ochi, ...
Journal of clinical medicine 9 (1), 28, 2019
Three-dimensional gait analysis of lower extremity gait parameters in Japanese children aged 6 to 12 years
T Ito, K Noritake, Y Ito, H Tomita, J Mizusawa, H Sugiura, N Matsunaga, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 7822, 2022
The combined status of physical performance and depressive symptoms is strongly associated with a history of falling in community-dwelling elderly: cross-sectional findings …
H Makizako, H Shimada, T Doi, D Yoshida, K Tsutsumimoto, K Uemura, ...
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 58 (3), 327-331, 2014
Proprioceptive change impairs balance control in older patients with low back pain
T Ito, Y Sakai, K Yamazaki, K Igarashi, N Sato, K Yokoyama, Y Morita
Journal of physical therapy science 29 (10), 1788-1792, 2017
Gait characteristics of children with Williams syndrome with impaired visuospatial recognition: a three-dimensional gait analysis study
Y Ito, T Ito, N Kurahashi, N Ochi, K Noritake, H Sugiura, S Mizuno, ...
Experimental Brain Research 238 (12), 2887-2895, 2020
Postural strategy in elderly, middle-aged, and young people during local vibratory stimulation for proprioceptive inputs
T Ito, Y Sakai, K Yamazaki, R Nishio, Y Ito, Y Morita
Geriatrics 3 (4), 93, 2018
The relationship between physical function and postural sway during local vibratory stimulation of middle-aged people in the standing position
T Ito, Y Sakai, A Kubo, K Yamazaki, Y Ohno, E Nakamura, N Sato, ...
Journal of physical therapy science 26 (10), 1627-1630, 2014
Proprioception and geriatric low back pain
Y Sakai, T Watanabe, N Wakao, H Matsui, N Osada, T Sugiura, Y Morita, ...
Spine Surgery and Related Research 6 (5), 422-432, 2022
Association between back muscle strength and proprioception or mechanoreceptor control strategy in postural balance in elderly adults with lumbar spondylosis
T Ito, Y Sakai, Y Ito, K Yamazaki, Y Morita
Healthcare 8 (1), 58, 2020
Correlation between the Gait Deviation Index and skeletal muscle mass in children with spastic cerebral palsy
N Matsunaga, T Ito, K Noritake, H Sugiura, Y Kamiya, Y Ito, J Mizusawa, ...
Journal of physical therapy science 30 (9), 1176-1179, 2018
Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the modified gait efficacy scale
Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association 17 (1), 45-45, 2014
Relationship between L4/5 lumbar multifidus cross-sectional area ratio and fall risk in older adults with lumbar spinal stenosis: a retrospective study
T Ito, Y Sakai, K Yamazaki, M Oikawa, Y Morita
Geriatrics 4 (2), 38, 2019
論文 1–20