Oliver Weigelt
Oliver Weigelt
確認したメール アドレス: rug.nl
The use of snowball sampling for multi source organizational research: Some cause for concern
B Marcus, O Weigelt, J Hergert, J Gurt, P Gelléri
Personnel Psychology 70 (3), 635-673, 2017
The structure of counterproductive work behavior: A review, a structural meta-analysis, and a primary study
B Marcus, OA Taylor, SE Hastings, A Sturm, O Weigelt
Journal of Management 42 (1), 203-233, 2016
Zeigarnik’s sleepless nights: How unfinished tasks at the end of the week impair employee sleep on the weekend through rumination.
CJ Syrek, O Weigelt, C Peifer, CH Antoni
Journal of occupational health psychology 22 (2), 225, 2017
A longitudinal study of the relationships between four differentially motivated forms of employee silence and burnout.
M Knoll, RJ Hall, O Weigelt
Journal of occupational health psychology 24 (5), 572, 2019
Examining the moral grey zone: The role of moral disengagement, authenticity, and situational strength in predicting unethical managerial behavior
M Knoll, RG Lord, LE Petersen, O Weigelt
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 46 (1), 65-78, 2016
My mind is working overtime—towards an integrative perspective of psychological detachment, work-related rumination, and work reflection
O Weigelt, P Gierer, CJ Syrek
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (16), 2987, 2019
Procrastination in daily working life: A diary study on within-person processes that link work characteristics to workplace procrastination
R Prem, TE Scheel, O Weigelt, K Hoffmann, C Korunka
Frontiers in psychology 9, 335466, 2018
Finding peace of mind when there still is so much left undone—A diary study on how job stress, competence need satisfaction, and proactive work behavior contribute to work …
O Weigelt, CJ Syrek, A Schmitt, T Urbach
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 24 (3), 373, 2019
Music is in the muscle: How embodied cognition may influence music preferences
P Sedlmeier, O Weigelt, E Walther
Music Perception 28 (3), 297-306, 2011
All I want for Christmas is recovery–changes in employee affective well-being before and after vacation
CJ Syrek, O Weigelt, J Kühnel, J de Bloom
Work & Stress 32 (4), 313-333, 2018
Ovsiankina’s great relief: How supplemental work during the weekend may contribute to recovery in the face of unfinished tasks
O Weigelt, CJ Syrek
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14 (12), 1606, 2017
Continuity in transition: Combining recovery and day‐of‐week perspectives to understand changes in employee energy across the 7‐day week
O Weigelt, K Siestrup, R Prem
Journal of Organizational Behavior 42 (5), 567-586, 2021
Time pressure and proactive work behaviour: A week‐level study on intraindividual fluctuations and reciprocal relationships
T Urbach, O Weigelt
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 92 (4), 931-952, 2019
Time to recharge batteries–development and validation of a pictorial scale of human energy
O Weigelt, P Gierer, R Prem, M Fellmann, F Lambusch, K Siestrup, ...
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 31 (5), 781-798, 2022
Exploring the engaged worker over time—a week-level study of how positive and negative work events affect work engagement
O Weigelt, A Schmitt, CJ Syrek, S Ohly
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (13), 6699, 2021
Working under pandemic conditions
O Weigelt, B Marcus, J Felfe, A Kluge, G Ontrup
Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie A&O, 2021
Too committed to switch off—capturing and organizing the full range of work-related rumination from detachment to overcommitment
O Weigelt, JC Seidel, L Erber, J Wendsche, YZ Varol, GM Weiher, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (4), 3573, 2023
Application of a pictorial scale of human energy in ecological momentary assessment research
F Lambusch, O Weigelt, M Fellmann, K Siestrup
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 171-189, 2020
Crafting and human energy: Needs-based crafting efforts across life domains shape employees’ daily energy trajectories.
M Kosenkranius, F Rink, O Weigelt, J de Bloom
Journal of occupational health psychology 28 (3), 192, 2023
Negative work events impede daily self-efficacy through decreased goal attainment: Are action orientation and job autonomy moderators of the indirect effect?
A Schmitt, O Weigelt
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 32 (3), 418-431, 2023
論文 1–20