Robert Humston
Robert Humston
確認したメール アドレス: wlu.edu
Schooling and migration of large pelagic fishes relative to environmental cues
R Humston, JS Ault, M Lutcavage, DB Olson
Fisheries Oceanography 9 (2), 136-146, 2000
Behavioral assumptions in models of fish movement and their influence on population dynamics
R Humston, DB Olson, JS Ault
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133 (6), 1304-1328, 2004
Controlled experiments to predict horseweed (Conyza canadensis) dispersal distances
JT Dauer, DA Mortensen, R Humston
Weed Science 54 (3), 484-489, 2006
Movements and site fidelity of the bonefish Albula vulpes in the northern Florida Keys determined by acoustic telemetry
R Humston, JS Ault, MF Larkin, J Luo
Marine Ecology Progress Series 291, 237-248, 2005
A spatial dynamic multistock production model
JS Ault, J Luo, SG Smith, JE Serafy, JD Wang, R Humston, GA Diaz
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56 (S1), 4-25, 1999
An initial assessment of drought sensitivity in Amazonian fish communities
CEC Freitas, FK Siqueira-Souza, R Humston, LE Hurd
Hydrobiologia 705, 159-171, 2013
16 Population Dynamics and Resource Ecology of Atlantic Tarpon and Bonefish
JS Ault, R Humston, MF Larkin, E Perusquia, NA Farmer, J Luo, N Zurcher, ...
Biology and management of the world tarpon and bonefish fisheries, 217, 2007
Otolith geochemistry in young‐of‐the‐year peacock bass Cichla temensis for investigating natal dispersal in the Rio Negro (Amazon – Brazil) river system
RCS Garcez, R Humston, D Harbor, CEC Freitas
Ecology of freshwater fish 24 (2), 242-251, 2015
Dispersal between tributary and main-stem rivers by juvenile smallmouth bass evaluated using otolith microchemistry
R Humston, BM Priest, WC Hamilton, PE Bugas Jr
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139 (1), 171-184, 2010
Anthropogenic forcing on the spatial dynamics of an agricultural weed: the case of the common sunflower
R Humston, DA Mortensen, ON Bjørnstad
Journal of Applied Ecology 42 (5), 863-872, 2005
Migrations and movements of Atlantic tarpon revealed by two decades of satellite tagging
J Luo, JS Ault, BT Ungar, SG Smith, MF Larkin, TN Davidson, DR Bryan, ...
Fish and Fisheries 21 (2), 290-318, 2020
Movement patterns of adult peacock bass Cichla temensis between tributaries of the middle Negro River basin (Amazonas – Brazil): an otolith geochemical analysis
RGC Sousa, R Humston, CEC Freitas
Fisheries Management and Ecology 23 (1), 76-87, 2016
A mail survey to estimate the fishery dynamics of southern Florida's bonefish charter fleet
MF Larkin, JS Ault, R Humston, J Luo
Fisheries Management and Ecology 17 (3), 254-261, 2010
Isotope geochemistry reveals ontogeny of dispersal and exchange between main‐river and tributary habitats in smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu
R Humston, SS Doss, C Wass, C Hollenbeck, SR Thorrold, S Smith, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 90 (2), 528-548, 2017
Age and intraspecific diversity of resilient Acropora communities in Belize
A Irwin, L Greer, R Humston, M Devlin-Durante, P Cabe, H Lescinsky, ...
Coral Reefs 36, 1111-1120, 2017
Seasonal migratory patterns and vertical habitat utilization of Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) from satellite PAT tags
J Luo, JS Ault, MF Larkin, R Humston, DB Olson
Biology and Management of the World Tarpon and Bonefish Fisheries. CRC Press …, 2008
19 Tagging of Bonefish in South Florida to Study Population Movements and Stock Dynamics
MF Larkin, JS Ault, R Humston, J Luo, N Zurcher
Biology and management of the world tarpon and bonefish fisheries, 301, 2007
Development of movement models to assess the spatial dynamics of fish populations
R Humston
Doctoral dissertation, Miami, FL, USA: Rosenstiel School of Marine and …, 2001
Development of movement models to assess the spatial dynamics of marine fish populations
R Humston
University of Miami, 2001
Consequences of stocking headwater impoundments on native populations of Brook Trout in tributaries
R Humston, KA Bezold, ND Adkins, RJ Elsey, J Huss, BA Meekins, ...
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32 (1), 100-108, 2012
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