Vandana Ahuja
Vandana Ahuja
Director, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Noida
確認したメール アドレス: sibmnoida.siu.edu.in
Corporate blogs as e-CRM tools–Building consumer engagement through content management
V Ahuja, Y Medury
Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management 17, 91-105, 2010
Dawn of the digital age and the evolution of the marketing mix
G Jackson, V Ahuja
Journal of direct, Data and digital marketing practice 17, 170-186, 2016
Virtual team effectiveness: An empirical study using SEM
SK Bhat, N Pande, V Ahuja
Procedia Computer Science 122, 33-41, 2017
Corporate blogs and internet marketing–Using consumer knowledge and emotion as strategic variables to develop consumer engagement
N Sinha, V Ahuja, Y Medury
Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management 18, 185-199, 2011
The future scope of netnography and social network analysis in the field of marketing
R Sharma, V Ahuja, S Alavi
Journal of internet commerce 17 (1), 26-45, 2018
An empirical segmentation of users of mobile banking apps
S Alavi, V Ahuja
Journal of Internet Commerce 15 (4), 390-407, 2016
Twitter presence of jet airways-deriving customer insights using netnography and wordclouds
V Ahuja, M Shakeel
Procedia computer science 122, 17-24, 2017
Using Facebook as a digital tool for developing trust amongst consumers using netnography and social media analytics: A study of Jet Airways
V Ahuja, S Alavi
Journal of Relationship Marketing 17 (3), 171-187, 2018
Creation of a conceptual model for adoption of mobile apps for shopping from e-commerce sites–An Indian context
V Ahuja, D Khazanchi
Procedia Computer Science 91, 609-616, 2016
Mobile app usage and adoption: A literature review
R Gera, P Chadha, V Ahuja
International Journal of Electronic Business 15 (2), 160-195, 2020
Metcalfe's law and operational, analytical and collaborative CRM-using online business communities for co-creation
S Alavi, V Ahuja, Y Medury
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 20, 35-45, 2012
Building participation, reciprocity and trust: Netnography of an online community of APPLE using regression analysis for prediction
S Alavi, V Ahuja, Y Medury
Apeejay Business Review 11 (1-2), 82-96, 2010
Generating trust using Facebook-A study of 5 online apparel brands
R Sharma, S Alavi, V Ahuja
Procedia computer science 122, 42-49, 2017
An empirical approach to ECRM-increasing consumer trustworthiness using online product communities
S Alavi, V Ahuja, Y Medury
Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management 18, 83-96, 2011
Expanding the Kirkpatrick evaluation model-towards more efficient training in the IT sector
N Agarwal, N Pande, V Ahuja
International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology …, 2014
Preliminary exploration of significance of soft skills in groups with specific reference to peer-assessment
N Agarwal, V Ahuja
Journal of Management Policies and Practices 2 (2), 85-97, 2014
Transforming the media and entertainment industry: Cases from the social media marketing world
V Ahuja
Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT) 23 (4), 1-17, 2021
Developing a research instrument to study the impact of consumer brand perception, consumer brand relationship and consumer buying behaviour on online apparel shopping
R Sharma, V Ahuja, S Alavi
Digital and Social Media Marketing: Emerging Applications and Theoretical …, 2020
CRM in a Web 2.0 world: Using corporate blogs for campaign management
V Ahuja, Y Medury
Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice 13, 11-24, 2011
Corporate blogs as tools for consumer segmentation-using cluster analysis for consumer profiling
V Ahuja, Y Medury
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 19 (3), 173-182, 2011
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