Martin Brinkmann
Martin Brinkmann
確認したメール アドレス: ics-cnrs.unistra.fr - ホームページ
Correlation between Molecular Packing and Optical Properties in Different Crystalline Polymorphs and Amorphous Thin Films of mer-Tris(8-hydroxyquinoline …
M Brinkmann, G Gadret, M Muccini, C Taliani, N Masciocchi, A Sironi
Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (21), 5147-5157, 2000
Structure and morphology control in thin films of regioregular poly (3‐hexylthiophene)
M Brinkmann
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 49 (17), 1218-1233, 2011
Orientation of regioregular poly (3‐hexylthiophene) by directional solidification: a simple method to reveal the semicrystalline structure of a conjugated polymer
M Brinkmann, JC Wittmann
Advanced Materials 18 (7), 860-863, 2006
Effect of molecular weight on the structure and morphology of oriented thin films of regioregular poly (3‐hexylthiophene) grown by directional epitaxial solidification
M Brinkmann, P Rannou
Advanced Functional Materials 17 (1), 101-108, 2007
Molecular weight dependence of chain packing and semicrystalline structure in oriented films of regioregular poly (3-hexylthiophene) revealed by high-resolution transmission …
M Brinkmann, P Rannou
Macromolecules 42 (4), 1125-1130, 2009
Structural model of regioregular poly (3-hexylthiophene) obtained by electron diffraction analysis
N Kayunkid, S Uttiya, M Brinkmann
Macromolecules 43 (11), 4961-4967, 2010
Controllable processes for generating large single crystals of poly (3‐hexylthiophene)
K Rahimi, I Botiz, N Stingelin, N Kayunkid, M Sommer, FPV Koch, ...
Angewandte Chemie 124 (44), 11293-11297, 2012
A Versatile Method to Fabricate Highly In‐Plane Aligned Conducting Polymer Films with Anisotropic Charge Transport and Thermoelectric Properties: The Key Role of Alkyl Side …
A Hamidi‐Sakr, L Biniek, JL Bantignies, D Maurin, L Herrmann, N Leclerc, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (25), 1700173, 2017
Bringing Conducting Polymers to High Order: Toward Conductivities beyond 105 S cm−1 and Thermoelectric Power Factors of 2 mW m−1 K−2
V Vijayakumar, Y Zhong, V Untilova, M Bahri, L Herrmann, L Biniek, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (24), 1900266, 2019
Correlated growth in ultrathin pentacene films on silicon oxide: Effect of deposition rate
S Pratontep, M Brinkmann, F Nüesch, L Zuppiroli
Physical Review B 69 (16), 165201, 2004
2D Versus 3D Crystalline Order in Thin Films of Regioregular Poly (3‐hexylthiophene) Oriented by Mechanical Rubbing and Epitaxy
L Hartmann, K Tremel, S Uttiya, E Crossland, S Ludwigs, N Kayunkid, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (21), 4047-4057, 2011
Segregated versus Mixed Interchain Stacking in Highly Oriented Films of Naphthalene Diimide Bithiophene Copolymers
M Brinkmann, E Gonthier, S Bogen, K Tremel, S Ludwigs, M Hufnagel, ...
ACS nano 6 (11), 10319-10326, 2012
Large scale alignment and charge transport anisotropy of pBTTT films oriented by high temperature rubbing
L Biniek, N Leclerc, T Heiser, R Bechara, M Brinkmann
Macromolecules 46 (10), 4014-4023, 2013
Orienting Semi‐Conducting π‐Conjugated Polymers
M Brinkmann, L Hartmann, L Biniek, K Tremel, N Kayunkid
Macromolecular rapid communications 35 (1), 9-26, 2014
Charge transport anisotropy in highly oriented thin films of the acceptor polymer P (NDI2OD‐T2)
K Tremel, FSU Fischer, N Kayunkid, RD Pietro, R Tkachov, A Kiriy, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 4 (10), 1301659, 2014
High-temperature rubbing: a versatile method to align π-conjugated polymers without alignment substrate
L Biniek, S Pouget, D Djurado, E Gonthier, K Tremel, N Kayunkid, ...
Macromolecules 47 (12), 3871-3879, 2014
Ordered ferroelectric PVDF− TrFE thin films by high throughput epitaxy for nonvolatile polymer memory
YJ Park, SJ Kang, B Lotz, M Brinkmann, A Thierry, KJ Kim, C Park
Macromolecules 41 (22), 8648-8654, 2008
Control of Chain Alignment and Crystallization Helps Enhance Charge Conductivities and Thermoelectric Power Factors in Sequentially Doped P3HT:F4TCNQ Films
V Untilova, T Biskup, L Biniek, V Vijayakumar, M Brinkmann
Macromolecules 53 (7), 2441-2453, 2020
Comparison between nucleation of pentacene monolayer islands on polymeric and inorganic substrates
S Pratontep, F Nüesch, L Zuppiroli, M Brinkmann
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (8), 085211, 2005
Nucleation and growth of ultrathin pentacene films on silicon dioxide: effect of deposition rate and substrate temperature
S Pratontep, M Brinkmann, F Nüesch, L Zuppiroli
Synthetic Metals 146 (3), 387-391, 2004
論文 1–20