Bob C Mulder, PhD
Bob C Mulder, PhD
assistant professor Strategic Communication
確認したメール アドレス: wur.nl - ホームページ
Determinants of overburdening among informal carers: a systematic review
N Lindt, J van Berkel, BC Mulder
BMC geriatrics 20, 1-12, 2020
Developing embodied conversational agents for coaching people in a healthy lifestyle: scoping review
LL Kramer, S Ter Stal, BC Mulder, E de Vet, L van Velsen
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (2), e14058, 2020
Stressors and resources mediate the association of socioeconomic position with health behaviours
BC Mulder, M de Bruin, H Schreurs, EJC van Ameijden, ...
BMC public health 11, 1-10, 2011
Effective nurse communication with type 2 diabetes patients: a review
BC Mulder, AM Lokhorst, GEHM Rutten, CMJ van Woerkum
Western journal of nursing research 37 (8), 1100-1131, 2015
Communicating climate change risk: A content analysis of IPCC’s summary for policymakers
PM Poortvliet, MT Niles, JA Veraart, SE Werners, FC Korporaal, ...
Sustainability 12 (12), 4861, 2020
Healthy, but disgusting: an investigation into consumers’ willingness to try insect meat
PM Poortvliet, L Van der Pas, BC Mulder, V Fogliano
Journal of economic entomology 112 (3), 1005-1010, 2019
Online climate change polarization: Interactional framing analysis of climate change blog comments
CW van Eck, BC Mulder, A Dewulf
Science Communication 42 (4), 454-480, 2020
Healthy eating beliefs and the meaning of food in populations with a low socioeconomic position: A scoping review
A van der Heijden, H Te Molder, G Jager, BC Mulder
Appetite 161, 105135, 2021
Climate change risk perceptions of audiences in the climate change blogosphere
CW van Eck, BC Mulder, S van der Linden
Sustainability 12 (19), 7990, 2020
Quality assessment of practice nurse communication with type 2 diabetes patients
BC Mulder, M van Belzen, AM Lokhorst, CMJ van Woerkum
Patient education and counseling 98 (2), 156-161, 2015
Communication between HIV patients and their providers: a qualitative preference match analysis
BC Mulder, MAA van Lelyveld, SCJM Vervoort, AM Lokhorst, ...
Health communication 31 (1), 35-46, 2016
“The truth is not in the middle”: Journalistic norms of climate change bloggers
CW Van Eck, BC Mulder, A Dewulf
Global Environmental Change 59, 101989, 2019
Social-cognitive determinants of the tick check: a cross-sectional study on self-protective behavior in combatting Lyme disease
A Van Der Heijden, BC Mulder, PM Poortvliet, AJH Van Vliet
BMC public health 17, 1-10, 2017
Supporting eating behaviour of community-dwelling older adults: co-design of an embodied conversational agent
LL Kramer, M Blok, L Van Velsen, BC Mulder, E De Vet
Design for Health 5 (1), 120-139, 2021
Reducing unnecessary vitamin testing in general practice: barriers and facilitators according to general practitioners and patients
H Hofstede, HAM Van Der Burg, BC Mulder, AM Bohnen, PJE Bindels, ...
BMJ open 9 (10), e029760, 2019
Echo chamber effects in the climate change blogosphere
CW Van Eck, BC Mulder, S van der Linden
Environmental Communication 15 (2), 145-152, 2021
Dissemination or participation? Exploring scientists’ definitions and science communication goals in the Netherlands
A Nerghes, B Mulder, JS Lee
Plos one 17 (12), e0277677, 2022
Use and effect of web-based embodied conversational agents for improving eating behavior and decreasing loneliness among community-dwelling older adults: protocol for a …
LL Kramer, BC Mulder, L van Velsen, E de Vet
JMIR research protocols 10 (1), e22186, 2021
Determinants of lifestyle counseling and current practices: A cross-sectional study among Dutch general practitioners
L Kiestra, IAC de Vries, BC Mulder
PLoS One 15 (7), e0235968, 2020
Use and effect of embodied conversational agents for improving eating behavior and decreasing loneliness among community-dwelling older adults: Randomized controlled trial
LL Kramer, L Van Velsen, JL Clark, BC Mulder, E De Vet
JMIR formative research 6 (4), e33974, 2022
論文 1–20