Yuyang Zhou
Yuyang Zhou
確認したメール アドレス: seu.edu.cn
Building an efficient intrusion detection system based on feature selection and ensemble classifier
Y Zhou, G Cheng, S Jiang, M Dai
Computer networks 174, 107247, 2020
An SDN-enabled proactive defense framework for DDoS mitigation in IoT networks
Y Zhou, G Cheng, S Yu
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16, 5366-5380, 2021
Cost-effective moving target defense against DDoS attacks using trilateral game and multi-objective Markov decision processes
Y Zhou, G Cheng, S Jiang, Y Zhao, Z Chen
Computers & Security 97, 101976, 2020
Toward proactive and efficient DDoS mitigation in IIoT systems: A moving target defense approach
Y Zhou, G Cheng, Y Zhao, Z Chen, S Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (4), 2734-2744, 2021
A Cost-effective Shuffling Method against DDoS Attacks using Moving Target Defense
Y Zhou, G Cheng, S Jiang, Y Hu, Y Zhao, Z Chen
Proceedings of the 6th ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense, 57-66, 2019
BSD‐Guard: A Collaborative Blockchain‐Based Approach for Detection and Mitigation of SDN‐Targeted DDoS Attacks
S Jiang, L Yang, X Gao, Y Zhou, T Feng, Y Song, K Liu, G Cheng
Security and communication networks 2022 (1), 1608689, 2022
Toward early and accurate network intrusion detection using graph embedding
X Hu, W Gao, G Cheng, R Li, Y Zhou, H Wu
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2023
A quantitative framework for network resilience evaluation using Dynamic Bayesian Network
S Jiang, L Yang, G Cheng, X Gao, T Feng, Y Zhou
Computer Communications 194, 387-398, 2022
Secure IoT edge: Threat situation awareness based on network traffic
Y Zhao, G Cheng, Y Duan, Z Gu, Y Zhou, L Tang
Computer Networks 201, 108525, 2021
Length matters: Fast internet encrypted traffic service classification based on multi-PDU lengths
Z Chen, G Cheng, B Jiang, S Tang, S Guo, Y Zhou
2020 16th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN …, 2020
Length matters: Scalable fast encrypted internet traffic service classification based on multiple protocol data unit length sequence with composite deep learning
Z Chen, G Cheng, Z Xu, S Guo, Y Zhou, Y Zhao
Digital Communications and Networks 8 (3), 289-302, 2022
周余阳, 程光, 郭春生, 戴冕
软件学报 29 (9), 2799-2820, 2018
Effectiveness evaluation method for cyber deception based on dynamic bayesian attack graph
H Wu, Y Gu, G Cheng, Y Zhou
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and …, 2020
WFF-EGNN: Encrypted Traffic Classification based on Weaved Flow Fragment via Ensemble Graph Neural Networks
Z Chen, G Cheng, D Niu, X Qiu, Y Zhao, Y Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking, 2023
Resource-Efficient Low-Rate DDoS Mitigation With Moving Target Defense in Edge Clouds
Y Zhou, G Cheng, Z Ouyang, Z Chen
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2024
MTDroid: A Moving Target Defense based Android Malware Detector against Evasion Attacks
Y Zhou, G Cheng, S Yu, Z Chen, Y Hu
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2024
戴冕, 程光, 周余阳
软件学报 30 (6), 1853-1874, 2019
周余阳, 程光, 郭春生
网络与信息安全学报 4 (6), 11-22, 2018
Higher Layers, Better Results: Application Layer Feature Engineering in Encrypted Traffic Classification
Z Chen, G Cheng, Z Wei, Z Xu, N Fu, Y Zhou
International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications …, 2022
MalPurifier: Enhancing Android malware detection with adversarial purification against evasion attacks
Y Zhou, G Cheng, Z Chen, S Yu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.06423, 2023
論文 1–20