Juan Dempere
Juan Dempere
確認したメール アドレス: hct.ac.ae - ホームページ
The impact of ChatGPT on higher education
J Dempere, K Modugu, A Hesham, LK Ramasamy
Frontiers in Education 8, 1206936, 2023
Artificial intelligence in education: an argument of Chat-GPT use in education
H Allam, J Dempere, V Akre, D Parakash, N Mazher, J Ahamed
2023 9th International Conference on Information Technology Trends (ITT …, 2023
Country-level governance quality and stock market performance of GCC countries
KP Modugu, J Dempere
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7 (8), 185-195, 2020
The impact of innovation on economic growth, foreign direct investment, and self-employment: A global perspective
J Dempere, M Qamar, H Allam, S Malik
Economies 11 (7), 182, 2023
Monetary policies and bank lending in developing countries: evidence from Sub-Sahara Africa
KP Modugu, J Dempere
Journal of Economics and Development 24 (3), 217-229, 2022
The impact of economic-related freedoms on the national entrepreneurial activity
JM Dempere, AM Pauceanu
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 11 (1), 48, 2022
A recipe to control the first wave of COVID-19: more or less democracy?
J Dempere
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 15 (4), 597-611, 2021
Artificial intelligence in education (AIED): Implications and challenges
A Hesham, J Dempere, V Akre, P Flores
Allam, Hesham, Dempere, Juan, Akre, Vish, & Flores, Pedro.(2023). Artificial …, 2023
The impact of ChatGPT on higher education. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1206936
J Dempere, K Modugu, A Hesham, LK Ramasamy
External factors influencing Fablabs' performance.
AM Pauceanu, JM Dempere
Journal of International Studies (2071-8330) 11 (2), 2018
Unveiling the truth: greenwashing in sustainable finance
J Dempere, E Alamash, P Mattos
Frontiers in Sustainability 5, 1362051, 2024
Student credit card usage and the perceived importance of financial literacy education
JM Dempere, R Griffin, P Camp
Journal of the Academy of Business Education 11 (2), 1-12, 2010
The explanatory power of the SKYTRAX’s airport rating system: Implications for airport management
I Bulatovic, JM Dempere, A Papatheodorou
Transport Economics and Management 1, 104-111, 2023
The impact of women’s empowerment on the corporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure
J Dempere, S Abdalla
Sustainability 15 (10), 8173, 2023
El impacto de ChatGPT en la educación superior
J Dempere, K Modugu, A Hesham, LK Ramasamy
Frontiers in Education 8, 1-13, 2023
Factors affecting the return and volatility of major cryptocurrencies
JM Dempere
2019 Sixth HCT Information Technology Trends (ITT), 104-109, 2019
Globalization and Foreign Direct Investment in the GCC Countries: A Recipe for Post COVID-19 Recovery
KP Modugu, J Dempere
Modugu, Kennedy P. and Dempere, Juan M.(2021).“Globalization and Foreign …, 2021
Control of the first wave of COVID-19: Some economic freedom-related success factors
JM Dempere
Journal of International Studies 14 (4), 187-200, 2021
Explanatory power of the tourist destination competitiveness index on the control of the first wave of COVID-19
J Dempere, K Modugu
European Journal of Management and Business Economics 32 (3), 296-319, 2023
The impact of innovation on economic growth, foreign direct investment, and self-employment: A global perspective. Economies, 11 (7), 182
J Dempere, M Qamar, H Allam, S Malik
論文 1–20