Krishna Moorthy
Krishna Moorthy
Assistant Professor, Xiamen University Malaysia
確認したメール アドレス: xmu.edu.my
A study on factors affecting the performance of SMEs in Malaysia
MK Moorthy, A Tan, C Choo, CS Wei, JTY Ping, TK Leong
International journal of academic research in business and social sciences 2 …, 2012
Intention to visit Malaysia for medical tourism using the antecedents of Theory of Planned Behaviour: A predictive model
AN Seow, YO Choong, K Moorthy, LM Chan
International Journal of Tourism Research 19 (3), 383-393, 2017
Impact of big data on supply chain management
S Raman, N Patwa, I Niranjan, U Ranjan, K Moorthy, A Mehta
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 21 (6), 579-596, 2018
Barriers of mobile commerce adoption intention: perceptions of generation X in Malaysia
K Moorthy, C Suet Ling, Y Weng Fatt, C Mun Yee, EC Ket Yin, K Sin Yee, ...
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 12 (2), 37-53, 2017
A Study on the retirement planning behaviour of working individuals in Malaysia
MK Moorthy, T Durai, L Chelliah, CS Sien, LC Leong, NZ Kai, WC Rhu, ...
International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management …, 2012
Breaking barriers in deployment of renewable energy
K Moorthy, N Patwa, Y Gupta
Heliyon 5 (1), 2019
Behavioral intention to adopt digital library by the undergraduates
K Moorthy, L Chun T'ing, KS Ming, CC Ping, LY Ping, LQ Joe, WY Jie
International Information & Library Review 51 (2), 128-144, 2019
Crafting a smartphone repurchase decision making process: Do brand attachment and gender matter?
JJ Hew, MNBA Badaruddin, MK Moorthy
Telematics and Informatics 34 (4), 34-56, 2017
Taxpayers’ perceptions on tax evasion behaviour: an empirical study in Malaysia
C Pui Yee, K Moorthy, W Choo Keng Soon
International Journal of Law and Management 59 (3), 413-429, 2017
Habit and hedonic motivation are the strongest influences in mobile learning behaviours among higher education students in Malaysia
K Moorthy, TT Yee, LC T'ing, VV Kumaran
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 35 (4), 2019
The impact of information technology on internal auditing
MK Moorthy, ASZ Mohamed, M Gopalan, LH San
African Journal of Business Management 5 (9), 3523, 2011
Is facebook useful for learning? A study in private universities in Malaysia
K Moorthy, LC T'ing, KM Wei, PTZ Mei, CY Yee, KLJ Wern, YM Xin
Computers & Education 130, 94-104, 2019
Drivers for Malaysian SMEs to go green
MK Moorthy, A Peter, L Yacob, M Kumar, L Chelliah, L Arokiasamy
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 2 …, 2012
What drives the adoption of mobile payment? A Malaysian perspective
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2019
Application of information technology in management accounting decision making
MK Moorthy, OO Voon, CASB Samsuri, M Gopalan, KT Yew
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 2 …, 2012
Impact of Facebook on leisure travel behavior of Singapore residents
V Jadhav, S Raman, N Patwa, K Moorthy, J Pathrose
International Journal of Tourism Cities 4 (2), 157-178, 2018
Enterprise framework for renewable energy
A Seetharaman, LL Sandanaraj, MK Moorthy, AS Saravanan
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 54, 1368-1381, 2016
Employee perceptions of workplace theft behavior: A study among supermarket retail employees in Malaysia
MK Moorthy, A Seetharaman, N Jaffar, YP Foong
Ethics & Behavior 25 (1), 61-85, 2015
Customer loyalty to newly opened cafés and restaurants in Malaysia
K Moorthy, L En Chee, O Chuan Yi, O Soo Ying, O Yee Woen, T Mun Wei
Journal of Foodservice Business Research 20 (5), 525-541, 2017
Predicting medical tourism behavioural intention using social cognition models
AN Seow, YO Choong, K Moorthy, CK Choong
Tourism Review 76 (2), 374-391, 2021
論文 1–20