Luengos Vidal EM
Luengos Vidal EM
確認したメール アドレス: CRIBA.EDU.AR
Sleeping site preferences in tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella nigritus)
MS Di Bitetti, EML Vidal, MC Baldovino, V Benesovsky
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2000
Lycalopex gymnocercus (carnivora: canidae)
M Lucherini, EM Luengos Vidal
Mammalian species, 1-9, 2008
Characterization of puma–livestock conflicts in rangelands of central Argentina
MM Guerisoli, E Luengos Vidal, M Franchini, N Caruso, EB Casanave, ...
Royal Society open science 4 (12), 170852, 2017
A preliminary revision of knowledge status of felids in Argentina
M Lucherini, L Soler, EL Vidal
Mastozoología Neotropical 11 (1), 7-17, 2004
Modelling the ecological niche of an endangered population of Puma concolor: First application of the GNESFA method to an elusive carnivore
N Caruso, M Guerisoli, EML Vidal, D Castillo, EB Casanave, M Lucherini
Ecological Modelling 297, 11-19, 2015
Activity and movement patterns of Geoffroy's cat in the grasslands of Argentina
C Manfredi, M Lucherini, L Soler, J Baglioni, EL Vidal, EB Casanave
Mammalian Biology 76 (3), 313-319, 2011
Summer habitat use and activity patterns of wild boar Sus scrofa in rangelands of central Argentina
N Caruso, AEJ Valenzuela, CL Burdett, EM Luengos Vidal, D Birochio, ...
PLoS One 13 (10), e0206513, 2018
Intraguild competition as a potential factor affecting the conservation of two endangered cats in Argentina
M Lucherini, EL Vidal
Endangered Species Updates 2, 211-220, 2003
Body mass variation in the Geoffroy’s cat (Oncifelis geoffroyi)
M Lucherini, C Manfredi, E Luengos, FD Mazim, L Soler, EB Casanave
Revista chilena de historia natural 79 (2), 169-174, 2006
Carnivore occurrence: do interview-based surveys produce unreliable results?
N Caruso, EL Vidal, M Guerisoli, M Lucherini
Oryx 51 (2), 240-245, 2017
Puma–livestock conflicts in the Americas: A review of the evidence
MM Guerisoli, E Luengos Vidal, N Caruso, AJ Giordano, M Lucherini
Mammal Review 51 (2), 228-246, 2021
II. Conflictos entre felinos y humanos en América Latina.
C Castaño-Uribe, A Hoogesteijn, CA López, R Núñez, O Rosas-Rosas, ...
Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, 2016
Spatial organization of Molina’s hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus chinga) in two landscapes of the Pampas grassland of Argentina
DF Castillo, M Lucherini, EM Luengos Vidal, C Manfredi, EB Casanave
Canadian Journal of Zoology 89 (3), 229-238, 2011
First density estimation of two sympatric small cats, Leopardus colocolo and Leopardus geoffroyi, in a shrubland area of central Argentina
N Caruso, C Manfredi, EML Vidal, EB Casanaveo, M Lucherinio
Annales Zoologici Fennici 49 (3), 181-191, 2012
Spatial organization of the Pampas fox in a grassland relict of central Argentina: a flexible system
EM Luengos Vidal, C Sillero‐Zubiri, J Marino, EB Casanave, M Lucherini
Journal of Zoology, 2012
Habitat selection of Molina's hog-nosed skunks in relation to prey abundance in the Pampas grassland of Argentina
DF Castillo, EML Vidal, EB Casanave, M Lucherini
Journal of Mammalogy 93 (3), 716-721, 2012
How rare is the rare Andean cat?
M Lucherini, E Luengos Vidal, MJ Merino
Walter de Gruyter 72 (2), 95-101, 2008
Estudio comparado de metodologías de captura y de estimación de las poblaciones de zorro pampeano Psudalopex gymnocercus
EML Vidal
Mastozoología Neotropical 11 (2), 249, 2004
Home range size and habitat selection of Geoffroy’s cat (Leopardus geoffroyi, Felidae, Carnivora) in the pampas grassland
C Manfredi, EL Vidal, DF Castillo, M Lucherini, EB Casanave
Walter de Gruyter 76 (1), 105-108, 2012
Interindividual interactions of Molina’s hog-nosed skunksConepatus chinga in the Pampas grassland of Argentina
JI Reppucci, DF Castillo, M Lucherini, EM Luengos Vidal, EB Casanave
Mammal Research 54, 87-94, 2009
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