Hamid Ahmadi
Hamid Ahmadi
Master of Science in Kinesiology, Memorial University of Newfoundland
確認したメール アドレス: mun.ca
Acute effects of foam rolling on range of motion in healthy adults: a systematic review with multilevel meta-analysis
J Wilke, AL Müller, F Giesche, G Power, H Ahmedi, DG Behm
Sports Medicine 50, 387-402, 2020
Prior band-resisted squat jumps improves running and neuromuscular performance in middle-distance runners
JL Low, H Ahmadi, LP Kelly, J Willardson, D Boullosa, DG Behm
Journal of Sports Science & Medicine 18 (2), 301, 2019
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation improves fatigue performance of the treated and contralateral knee extensors
DG Behm, EM Colwell, GMJ Power, H Ahmadi, ASM Behm, A Bishop, ...
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 1-11, 2019
Effect of an inverted seated position with upper arm blood flow restriction on measures of elbow flexors neuromuscular performance
DGB Hamid Ahmadi, Nehara Herat, Shahab Alizadeh, Duane C. Button, Urs Granacher
PLOS ONE, 2021
Effect of an inverted seated position with upper arm blood flow restriction on neuromuscular fatigue
H Ahmadi
Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2020
Time course of neuromuscular alterations in middle-distance runners following a CLX conditioning stimulus and subsequent 5-km time trial run. Journal of Performance Health Research
DG Low. J., Ahmadi, H., & Behm
The 20th Annual TRAC Meeting, New Orleans,Louisiana 2 (2), 1-21, 2018
論文 1–6