Ojha SN*
Ojha SN*
Institute Professor, Department of of Metallurgical Engineering, IIT(BHU), Varanasi-221005, India
確認したメール アドレス: itbhu.ac.in - ホームページ
Age-hardening characteristics of Cu–2.4 Ni–0.6 Si alloy produced by the spray forming process
VC Srivastava, A Schneider, V Uhlenwinkel, SN Ojha, K Bauckhage
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 147 (2), 174-180, 2004
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Si alloys produced by spray forming process
VC Srivastava, RK Mandal, SN Ojha
Materials Science and Engineering: A 304, 555-558, 2001
Microstructural features induced by spray processing and hot extrusion of an Al–18% Si–5% Fe–1.5% Cu alloy
AK Srivastava, VC Srivastava, A Gloter, SN Ojha
Acta materialia 54 (7), 1741-1748, 2006
Evolution of microstructure in spray formed Al–18% Si alloy
VC Srivastava, RK Mandal, SN Ojha
Materials Science and Engineering: A 383 (1), 14-20, 2004
Spray forming of aluminum alloys and its composites: an overview
K Raju, SN Ojha, AP Harsha
Journal of materials science 43 (8), 2509-2521, 2008
Microstructure and electrical conductivity of Al-SiCp composites produced by spray forming process
VC Srivastava, SN Ojha
Bulletin of Materials Science 28, 125-130, 2005
Microstructure and phase formation in spray-deposited Al–18% Si–5% Fe–1.5% Cu alloy
VC Srivastava, P Ghosal, SN Ojha
Materials Letters 56 (5), 797-801, 2002
Microstructural features and heat flow analysis of atomized and spray-formed Al-Fe-V-Si alloy
AK Srivastava, SN Ojha, S Ranganathan
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 29, 2205-2219, 1998
Microstructural modifications induced during spray deposition of Al–Si–Fe alloys and their mechanical properties
VC Srivastava, RK Mandal, SN Ojha, K Venkateswarlu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 471 (1-2), 38-49, 2007
Spray forming of Al–Si–Pb alloys and their wear characteristics
GB Rudrakshi, VC Srivastava, JP Pathak, SN Ojha
Materials Science and Engineering: A 383 (1), 30-38, 2004
Non-equilibrium solidification of undercooled droplets during atomization process
P Shukla, RK Mandal, SN Ojha
Bulletin of Materials Science 24, 547-554, 2001
Influence of tin content on tribological characteristics of spray formed Al–Si alloys
M Anil, VC Srivastava, MK Ghosh, SN Ojha
Wear 268 (11-12), 1250-1256, 2010
Wear characteristics of spray formed Al-alloys and their composites
VC Srivastava, GB Rudrakshi, V Uhlenwinkel, SN Ojha
Journal of materials science 44, 2288-2299, 2009
Effect of tin on the wear properties of spray formed Al–17Si alloy
DM Goudar, VC Srivastava, GB Rudrakshi, K Raju, SN Ojha
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 68, 3-7, 2015
Spray forming and wear characteristics of liquid immiscible alloys
GB Rudrakshi, SN Ojha
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 189 (1-3), 224-230, 2007
Cellular/dendritic array tip morphology during directional solidification of Pb-5.8 wt pct Sb alloy
L Yu, GL Ding, J Reye, SN Tewari, SN Ojha
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 30, 2463-2472, 1999
Microstructural control by spray forming and wear characteristics of a Babbit alloy
A Upadhyaya, NS Mishra, SN Ojha
Journal of materials science 32, 3227-3235, 1997
Macrosegregation caused by thermosolutal convection during directional solidification of Pb-Sb alloys
SN Ojha, G Ding, Y Lu, J Reye, SN Tewari
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 30, 2167-2171, 1999
Microstructural modifications in Al Si eutectic alloy produced by spray deposition
SN Ojha, JN Jha, SN Singh
Scripta metallurgica et materialia 25 (2), 443-447, 1991
Metastable phase formation during solidification of undercooled melt
SN Ojha
Materials Science and Engineering: A 304, 114-118, 2001
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