Mary Anne Bishop
Mary Anne Bishop
Senior Research Scientist, Prince William Sound Science Center
確認したメール アドレス: pwssc.org
Ecosystem response persists after a prolonged marine heatwave
RM Suryan, ML Arimitsu, HA Coletti, RR Hopcroft, MR Lindeberg, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 6235, 2021
Spring stopover ecology of migrant Western Sandpipers
N Warnock, MA Bishop
Condor 100 (3), 456-467, 1998
Spring migration of western sandpipers along the Pacific coast of North America: a telemetry study
GC Iverson, SE Warnock, RW Butler, MA Bishop, N Warnock
The Condor 98 (1), 10-21, 1996
Wind assistance: a requirement for migration of shorebirds?
RW Butler, TD Williams, N Warnock, MA Bishop
The Auk 114 (3), 456-466, 1997
Heatwave-induced synchrony within forage fish portfolio disrupts energy flow to top pelagic predators
ML Arimitsu, JF Piatt, S Hatch, R Suryan, S Batten, MA Bishop, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (9), 1859-1878, 2021
Ecosystem control of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) populations in Prince William Sound
RT Cooney, JR Allen, MA Bishop, DL Eslinger, T Kline, BL Norcross
Fisheries Oceanography 10 (1), 1-13, 2001
Extensive geographic mosaicism in avian influenza viruses from gulls in the northern hemisphere
M Wille, GJ Robertson, H Whitney, MA Bishop, JA Runstadler, AS Lang
PLoS One 6 (6), e20664, 2011
Migration and stopover strategies of individual Dunlin along the Pacific coast of North America
N Warnock, JY Takekawa, MA Bishop
Canadian Journal of Zoology 82 (11), 1687-1697, 2004
Predation on Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) spawn by birds in Prince William Sound, Alaska
MA Bishop, SP Green
Fisheries Oceanography 10 (1), 149-158, 2001
Ecological divergence of wild birds drives avian influenza spillover and global spread
NJ Hill, MA Bishop, NS Trovão, KM Ineson, AL Schaefer, WB Puryear, ...
PLoS Pathogens 18 (5), e1010062, 2022
Effects of geolocators on hatching success, return rates, breeding movements, and change in body mass in 16 species of Arctic-breeding shorebirds
EL Weiser, RB Lanctot, SC Brown, JA Alves, PF Battley, R Bentzen, J Bêty, ...
Movement ecology 4 (1), 12, 2016
A method to estimate migrant shorebird numbers on the Copper River Delta, Alaska
MA Bishop, PM Meyers, PF McNeley
Journal of Field Ornithology 71 (4), 627-637, 2000
Flyway-scale variation in plasma triglyceride levels as an index of refueling rate in spring-migrating Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri)
TD Williams, N Warnock, JY Takekawa, MA Bishop
The Auk 124 (3), 886-897, 2007
Bar-headed Geese Anser indicus wintering in south-central Tibet
MA Bishop, Y Song, Z Canjue, B Gu
Wildfowl 48, 118-126, 1997
Distribution of the invasive bivalve Mya arenaria L. on intertidal flats of southcentral Alaska
SP Powers, MA Bishop, JH Grabowski, CH Peterson
Journal of Sea Research 55 (3), 207-216, 2006
Intertidal benthic resources of the Copper River Delta, Alaska, USA
SP Powers, MA Bishop, JH Grabowski, CH Peterson
Journal of Sea Research 47 (1), 13-23, 2002
Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) consumption by marine birds during winter in Prince William Sound, Alaska
MA Bishop, JT Watson, K Kuletz, T Morgan
Fisheries Oceanography 24 (1), 1-13, 2015
Application of acoustic telemetry to assess residency and movements of rockfish and lingcod at created and natural habitats in Prince William Sound
BF Reynolds, SP Powers, MA Bishop
PLoS One 5 (8), e12130, 2010
Effects of farming practices in Tibet on wintering Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) diet and food availability
MA Bishop, F Li
Biodiversity Science 10 (4), 393-398, 2002
Migration by radio-tagged Pacific Golden-Plovers from Hawaii to Alaska, and their subsequent survival
OW Johnson, N Warnock, MA Bishop, AJ Bennett, PM Johnson, ...
The Auk 114 (3), 521-524, 1997
論文 1–20