Ayman G. Awadallah
Ayman G. Awadallah
Fayoum University, Egypt, www.fayoum.edu.eg
確認したメール アドレス: fayoum.edu.eg - ホームページ
Harold Edwin Hurst: the Nile and Egypt, past and future
J Sutcliffe, S Hurst, AG Awadallah, E Brown, K Hamed
Hydrological Sciences Journal 61 (9), 1557-1570, 2016
Application of Artificial Neural Networks for the Prediction of Water Quality Variables in the Nile Delta
BM Khalil, AG Awadallah, H Karaman, El-Sayed, Ashraf
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012, 2012
Developing Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves in Scarce Data Region: An Approach using Regional Analysis and Satellite Data
AG Awadallah, ElGamal, Mohamed, A ElMostafa, ElBadry, Hesham
Engineering 2011, 2011
Selecting Optimum Locations of Rainfall Stations Using Kriging and Entropy
AG Awadallah
International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering 12 (1), 36-41, 2011
A new Budyko framework extension using time series SARIMAX model
MM Fathi, AG Awadallah, AM Abdelbaki, M Haggag
Journal of hydrology 570, 827-838, 2019
Conservative design rainfall distribution for application in arid regions with sparse data
AG Awadallah, NS Younan
Journal of Arid Environments 79, 66-75, 2012
A novel approach for the joint use of rainfall monthly and daily ground station data with TRMM data to generate IDF estimates in a poorly gauged arid region
AG Awadallah, NA Awadallah
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
Identifying homogeneous water quality regions in the Nile River using multivariate statistical analysis
AG Awadallah, M Yousry
Water resources management 26, 2039-2055, 2012
Reliability assessment of water structures subject to data scarcity using the SCS-CN model
AG Awadallah, H Saad, A ElMoustafa, A Hassan
Hydrological Sciences Journal 61 (4), 696-710, 2016
Improving forecasts of Nile flood using SST inputs in TFN model
AG Awadallah, J Rousselle
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 5 (4), 371-379, 2000
Estimating flooding extent at high return period for ungauged braided systems using remote sensing: a case study of Cuvelai Basin, Angola
AG Awadallah, D Tabet
Natural Hazards, 2015
Regional intensity‐duration‐frequency curves for J eddah region, S audi A rabia, using ordinary and L‐moments approaches
AG Awadallah
Journal of Flood Risk Management 8 (3), 195-207, 2015
Assessment of rainfall intensity equations enlisted in the Egyptian code for designing potable water and sewage networks
AG Awadallah, M Magdy, E Helmy, E Rashed
Advances in Meteorology 2017 (1), 9496787, 2017
Development of design storm hyetographs in hyper-arid and arid regions: case study of Sultanate of Oman
AG Awadallah, AY Elsayed, AM Abdelbaky
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10, 1-8, 2017
Trend detection in water quality data using time series seasonal adjustment and statistical tests
AG Awadallah, H Fahmy, HG Karaman
Irrigation and Drainage 60 (2), 253-262, 2011
Evolution of the Nile River drought risk based on the streamflow record at Aswan station, Egypt
AG Awadallah
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 31 (3), 260-269, 2014
A fast semi distributed rainfall runoff model for engineering applications in arid and semi-arid regions
RF Foda, AG Awadallah, MA Gad
Water Resources Management 31, 4941-4955, 2017
Évolution du risque hydrologique sur la rivière Châteauguay
AG Awadallah, J Rousselle, R Leconte
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 26 (4), 510-523, 1999
Evaluation of rain gauge network in arid regions using geostatistical approach: case study in northern Oman
M Haggag, A A Elsayed, A G Awadallah
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9, 1-15, 2016
An Improved Monthly Water Balance GR2M Model with a Seasonally Variable Parameter
MM Fathi, AG Awadallah, W Aldahshoory
Journal of Hydrology 617, 129127, 2023
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