Xia Yan
Well production forecasting based on ARIMA-LSTM model considering manual operations
D Fan, H Sun, J Yao, K Zhang, X Yan, Z Sun
Energy 220, 119708, 2021
Numerical simulation of the heat extraction in 3D-EGS with thermal-hydraulic-mechanical coupling method based on discrete fractures model
J Yao, X Zhang, Z Sun, Z Huang, J Liu, Y Li, Y Xin, X Yan, W Liu
Geothermics 74, 19-34, 2018
An efficient embedded discrete fracture model based on mimetic finite difference method
X Yan, Z Huang, J Yao, Y Li, D Fan
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 145, 11-21, 2016
Numerical simulation of hydro-mechanical coupling in fractured vuggy porous media using the equivalent continuum model and embedded discrete fracture model
X Yan, Z Huang, J Yao, Z Zhang, P Liu, Y Li, D Fan
Advances in Water Resources 126, 137-154, 2019
An efficient numerical hybrid model for multiphase flow in deformable fractured-shale reservoirs
X Yan, ZQ Huang, J Yao, Y Li, D Fan, H Sun, K Zhang
SPE journal 23 (04), 1412-1437, 2018
Fluid flow through anisotropic and deformable double porosity media with ultra-low matrix permeability: A continuum framework
Q Zhang, X Yan, J Shao
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 200, 108349, 2021
A two-phase flow simulation of discrete-fractured media using mimetic finite difference method
Z Huang, X Yan, J Yao
Communications in Computational Physics 16 (3), 799-816, 2014
Modeling and analysis of the acidizing process in carbonate rocks using a two-phase thermal-hydrologic-chemical coupled model
P Liu, X Yan, J Yao, S Sun
Chemical Engineering Science 207, 215-234, 2019
A Physics-Informed Convolutional Neural Network for the Simulation and Prediction of Two-Phase Darcy Flows in Heterogeneous Porous Media
Z Zhang, X Yan, P Liu, K Zhang, R Han, S Wang
Journal of Computational Physics, 111919, 2023
Modern system of multiphase flow in porous media and its development trend
J Yao, H Sun, A Li, Y Yang, Z Huang, Y Wang, L Zhang, J Kou, H Xie, ...
Chinese Science Bulletin 63 (4), 425-451, 2017
Theoretical analysis of fracture conductivity created by the channel fracturing technique
X Yan, Z Huang, J Yao, W Song, Y Li, L Gong
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 31, 320-330, 2016
Impact of fracture shear dilation on long-term heat extraction in Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Insights from a fully-coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical simulation
X Zhang, Z Huang, Q Lei, J Yao, L Gong, Z Sun, W Yang, X Yan, Y Li
Geothermics 96, 102216, 2021
Compositional modeling of shale condensate gas flow with multiple transport mechanisms
L Lijun, Y Jun, S Hai, H Zhaoqin, Y Xia, L Longlong
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 172, 1186-1201, 2019
An efficient hydro-mechanical model for coupled multi-porosity and discrete fracture porous media
X Yan, Z Huang, J Yao, Y Li, D Fan, K Zhang
Computational Mechanics 62 (5), 943-962, 2018
A mathematical framework for multiphase poromechanics in multiple porosity media
Q Zhang, X Yan, Z Li
Computers and Geotechnics 146, 104728, 2022
Evolutionary-assisted reinforcement learning for reservoir real-time production optimization under uncertainty
ZZ Wang, K Zhang, GD Chen, JD Zhang, WD Wang, HC Wang, LM Zhang, ...
Petroleum Science 20 (1), 261-276, 2023
Numerical investigation of the effect of partially propped fracture closure on gas production in fractured shale reservoirs
X Yan, Z Huang, Q Zhang, D Fan, J Yao
Energies 13 (20), 5339, 2020
An evaluation framework for production performance of high-temperature fractured and karstified geothermal reservoirs: Production mechanism, sensitivity study, and key …
X Zhang, C Jia, J Yao, Z Huang, L Gong, W Yang, X Yan, Y Li
Gondwana Research, 2022
The embeded discrete fracture model based on mimetic finite difference method
Scientia Sinica Technologica 44 (12), 1333-1342, 2014
Hierarchical modeling of hydromechanical coupling in fractured shale gas reservoirs with multiple porosity scales
X Yan, H Sun, Z Huang, L Liu, P Wang, Q Zhang, J Yao
Energy & Fuels 35 (7), 5758-5776, 2021
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